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  1. Seamus roulette
  2. Seamus

    RR for ded seeds

    Your in-game name: Seamus Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38143127 What do you need refunded: 2 seeding batches of cannabis. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Cops initiated an illegal raid on Parker, resulting in me dying. Had down a seeding batch that died since I went down. Evidence...
  3. Seamus

    yeah, but moD is a bit of a twat anyway, so it cancels out.

    yeah, but moD is a bit of a twat anyway, so it cancels out.
  4. Seamus

    gotta sling em init?

    gotta sling em init?
  5. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @moD Alright Thanks for telling us it was just a line of pixels.
  6. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @moD So you're putting forward a point and not even providing evidence? And yet I'm the cheater?
  7. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    Yeah, but the reason people meme it in perp is because you have to visibly see the drugs. And all he saw was a literal line of pixels, so no, that was not justifiable. Source: Quora Nutrient has...
  8. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @moD Can you get your POV?
  9. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @moD I mean since the flashlight cant reach that far, you wouldnt see it. Even if you could, you cant discern drugs from a line of green.
  10. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    I mean it's quite hard to distinguish black pixels from dark grey pixels
  11. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    Well it's 1.1 for the word shit, and 1.3 for the word cheater. And plus, the crack says nothing considering the light doesn't reach that far, so the color would've been grey at most.
  12. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @moD Also, if you could upload your own perspective, that would be good.
  13. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @moD I mean I uploaded a montage with shadowplay before and your response was to tag Madda and Tinyslayer. So I think I'll stop pandering to your little fantasy to convince yourself that you're an über player.
  14. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @moD So you saw green and immediately assumed it was drugs? What does this image tell you? Oh and also, I'd appreciate if you'd stop with the cheating slander now since I haven't been banned, nor will I be.
  15. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

  16. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @moD I've watched it, I've literally counted the pixels in a screenshot.
  17. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    We were talking about that, then Hazza said "I see drugs." Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
  18. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @moD You saw about 8 pixels of grey-near black.
  19. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    So a crack 1 pixel wide with no light on it? Technicalities don't work with admins. Also, nice 1.1 in the video name. Edit: you can't even see it on the video, the crack doesn't even show any green.
  20. Seamus

    Nice of you to demonstrate your inability to read

    Nice of you to demonstrate your inability to read
  21. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    Oh, okay
  22. Seamus

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Seamus / Johnathon Bad His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @_moD / Jerry Cornelli His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:170514755 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.24, user brought their knowledge that there are drugs inside of the building IC, since they were poking through the wall...
  23. Seamus

    Jetzt, da Sie der Reichsführer sind, können wir endlich mit unserer Eroberung beginnen, um...

    Jetzt, da Sie der Reichsführer sind, können wir endlich mit unserer Eroberung beginnen, um PERPHeads von der jüdischen Bevölkerung Israels zu befreien.
  24. Seamus

    Dom's Revenge

    PERPHeads - Dom joins ISIS
  25. Seamus

    Stepping Back

  26. Seamus

    Organisation Update

    That in of itself is a hard task, since you can't bake textures on the fly.
  27. Seamus

    Being able to combine propane canisters

    I wish they could be refilled or something, maybe at RC or something.
  28. Seamus

    Being able to combine propane canisters

    Main idea: The ability to combine propane canisters into one Description: So currently with the propane canisters, you can't actually do anything else with them except let them sit in your inventory and take up space, so I was thinking just being able to combine the little propane you have into...
  29. Seamus

    Organisation Update

    Make it so when an alliance is official, they can raid bank together and do things only org would be able to do.
  30. Seamus

    Organisation Update

    Should really have the org tax as some kind of detriment to the paycheck I don't want to come back after being inactive and finding all my money is gone.