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  1. Police Suggestion Internal Affairs Complaint Suggestion

    Excellent idea I've had to deal with 3 complaints for one situation, one thing I know is that it's a pain in the arse to manage and it would be a lot easier if it could all be inside one complaint.
  2. ayyy congrats!

    ayyy congrats!
  3. $2 Million Dollar Giveaway!

  4. Server Suggestion Give SS limited access to Police Computer

    This is a good idea, it could be helpful for preventing warranted suspects from getting close to the Mayor. I'd also like to add the ability for Police Supervisors who are SS to have the ability to add warrants, this has no real disadvantage and allows Police Supervisors who are SS to issue...
  5. Hey everyone

    Welcome back, enjoy your stay and if you ever need help PM me, add me on steam or find me in game,
  6. Henry's Ban Apology @Blackdown @Hayden

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Blackdown Extended by @Hayden How long were you banned for: Originally 1 week, extended to 1 month Your Steam Name: Henry Your In-game Name: Amelia Smith Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54209905 Why were you banned/blacklisted...
  7. Hi and happy Christmas

    Long time, welcome back!
  8. Cancelling C2

    Seems like the server isn't unfreezing the player after cancelling the C2, should be quite an easy fix. @Samuel @TinySlayer
  9. see you in one month :/

    see you in one month :/
  10. what happens happens I guess

    what happens happens I guess
  11. Action Request on @Henry

    I mean the fact that you got perm banned for toxicity is hilarious.
  12. Action Request on @Henry

    Pfft, I deserve a ban. Do you really think that it's your decision? Are you trying to backseat moderate here??
  13. Action Request on @Henry

    Congratulations, you've just admitted to blackmailing me!
  14. Action Request on @Henry

    @Marcus Hudson would know about that, we always talk shit about each other and take the piss but we're still friends :)
  15. Action Request on @Henry

    My friends talk shit about me all the time and troll me, do I care? Fuck no cuz that's part of life.
  16. Action Request on @Henry

    That's actually true, he did ask for money to remove it :D
  17. Action Request on @Henry

    I mean the fact that you take in character situations so seriously means a lot, you weren't the only cop I was messing around with. Everything that I did to you in character when you were a cop wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, it's part of the game and everything that we do in character...
  18. Action Request on @Henry

    Well what can I say, I broke 2.5 and 4.1 by killing you as mayor. The thing that's so laughable though is the fact that you repost this when I apologised to you and we had a serious discussion about it with others. You're reposting this over me annoying you in character while you were a cop, if...
  19. Close this AR please

  20. Close this AR please

    Yeah you can kill me at 4 am irdc, it's all jokes.
  21. Close this AR please

  22. Blackdown is one of the staff members that actually understand.

    Blackdown is one of the staff members that actually understand.
  23. AR on farstad and Henry

    I mean it clearly was though, didn't you hear me slam on the brakes?
  24. AR on farstad and Henry

    I mean it was clearly an accident, we both apologise.
  25. AR on Dimitris

    No we knew that you were the person who broke in because of your phone. You literally tried to break in so idk why you're this salty over it.
  26. salty players..

    salty players..
  27. AR on Dimitris

    -- INVOLVED -- Elijah (@abdul21) knew the phone number of the person who attempted to break into his shop, so he asked me to spot the phone that was ringing. After multiple confirmations that it was in fact your phone, that gave us enough evidence to kill you. You even admitted that you did in...
  28. AR on farstad and Henry

  29. AR on farstad and Henry

    ikr, I hate it when people take perp so seriously at 2 am..
  30. AR on farstad and Henry

    Ill happily explain my side here. Me and farstad were messing around, it's 2 in the morning and we were ramming each other for jokes. I was focused on trying to ram his car and didn't spot you when you were walking in front of city hall, this was completely unintentional. Just before you die...