Search results

  1. Police Suggestion Ability for RTU to impound any vehicles on the highway when there's no roadcrew

    I'm happy to block those lanes off it's just sometimes people don't respawn their vehicles and we can't stay there forever.
  2. Police Suggestion Ability for RTU to impound any vehicles on the highway when there's no roadcrew

    I've listened to your suggestions and changed up this suggestion It will only work on the highway. There must not be any roadcrew available. Patrol and RTU Officers ranked Senior Officer or higher can utilise this feature, to prevent abuse. Added poll.
  4. Come back billy, we miss you!

    Come back billy, we miss you!
  5. idk

    Nooo @Sneaky we need to work on :(
  6. Road Traffic Officers Inspiration and Appreciation Thread

    It was performed exactly as we learnt in training @hotdog 6 did a really great job in the first position with @Mimball handling the radio comms in my unit. With this manoeuvre we successfully apprehended the suspect without potentially allowing them to drive recklessly onto the highway and...
  7. don't worry, I'm used to it

    don't worry, I'm used to it
  8. @Henry

    @Mina IT WAS 4 AM!!!
  9. @Henry
  10. Server Joining Error @Samuel @TinySlayer @Fredy

    KNEW IT!
  11. @Henry

    you forced me to do it!!!
  12. @Henry

    fuck you!
  13. Server Joining Error @Samuel @TinySlayer @Fredy

    What org are you in?
  14. AR on Leo

    @Synatec I do not have any video of the situation
  15. Billy Ray going for now..

    Billy didn't deserve it, he's a great roleplayer
  16. Billy Ray going for now..

    Billy, you're great at what you do and we'd all love it if you kept it up. As pointed out by @BigBenji the officers were quite lazy, they should've attempted to use their nightstick to stop you at least but in the future you'll just have to comply with gunpoint. Nobody is exempt from 3.4 and...
  17. AR on Leo

    Let me check, 1 sec
  18. AR on Leo

    This is just the borderline of the rules you've broken.
  19. AR on N0oni:D_Rio / Robert Slaughter 3.4

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Henry / Amelia Smith & Warg / DIck Bobson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: N0oni:D_Rio / Robert Slaughter His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:108145691 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4 by running away and pulling a gun under gunpoint. Evidence (Demo Required)...
  20. Filip Larsson

    I've known filip for around 3 years now and he's been one of the most amazing people I've met.
  21. Police Suggestion Ability for RTU to impound any vehicles on the highway when there's no roadcrew

    Maybe only for the highway then, that would make more sense
  22. Police Suggestion Ability for RTU to impound any vehicles on the highway when there's no roadcrew

    Brief description of idea: Allow RTU Officers and patrol officers ranked SO+ to impound any vehicle regardless of condition on the highway if there's no roadcrew on duty, What benefits would this idea have for the department: When there's no roadcrew on duty this can prevent a road traffic...
  23. Ban lengths

    You were one of the nicest moderators on the server and definitely one of the funniest. I remember you very well rogue.
  24. Ban lengths

    @curak tell me about it..
  25. Ban lengths

    @Kempotent That's not true, you don't even know me. One thing I don't do is cop main.
  26. Ban lengths

    @Knoxy82 Fair enough. The length of the ban isn't excessive, it's good enough for the rules they broke.
  27. Ban lengths

    @Kempotent nobody cares about the price, it's the offence that matters
  28. Ban lengths

    @filip nonononononononono bad very bad nonono