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  1. Kirk

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Buying Premium Your Steam Name: Kirk Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80077470 Your Roleplay Name: Kirk Broderick Buying Price (In-game money): 65-70k Length of premium (30 days, 90 days or 180 days): 30 days Still Buying: (Please update when you are no longer buying): NO (I BOUGHT) Additional...
  2. Kirk

    you rule breaker xD

    you rule breaker xD
  3. Kirk

    Hai :3

    Hai :3
  4. Kirk

    Mic delay

    It should be about your internet connection or voice card
  5. Kirk

    VIP request

    No my Premium end in 4 days,he bought today.But it has same expire date.I bought for 1 month before and its ends in 4 days.I think its US date ( He bought for 1 month by the way)
  6. Kirk

    VIP request

    Hello.Actually dont know what to do.A guy bought VIP for me and I reloged 2 times and i have same expire date.Can someone help me ?(I bought vip for 30 days,before and its ends in 4 days so the guy bought for 30 days) Confirmation number: 0AK74544L9754634W Here is the proof ...