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  1. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    Just coming down with some of the Brexit Blues.
  2. Eviction Notice

    Map Change Poll #4

    Add evocity, why would you keep it out the vote?
  3. Eviction Notice

    fuck stuart little nigga simped for a bird

    fuck stuart little nigga simped for a bird
  4. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    stop flirting on my damn reply
  5. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    guys I wasn't serious about wanting time off work and now my hours have been cut drastically help im destitute
  6. Eviction Notice

    Would I get RDM?

  7. Eviction Notice

    taxation is theft

    picking and choosing what you pay taxes for leads to certain sectors getting little funding, causing them to fail this is taxation 101, if no one uses it, why would they pay: it's if they *may* need to use it
  8. Eviction Notice

    Pre-Whitelist Test [What happened?]

    you just don't understand his ascended genius
  9. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

  10. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    your attempts to guilt trip are more laughable than the jokes about the virus
  11. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    i just want time off work please spread faster thanks
  12. Eviction Notice

    Half-Life: Alyx [Released!]

    I don't know, the teleportation kind of urks me, should be more like Boneworks where you can just, y'know, move. I think I heard that you can actually just move, but it's not shown in this gameplay. Correct me if i'm wrong though.
  13. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    Random drop
  14. Eviction Notice

    Pre-Whitelist Test [What happened?]

    Whos idea was it to make everyone the same rank and not give active people LT? Literally not like how it was pre-whitelist. Disappointed in this 'test.'
  15. Eviction Notice


    Night bro, I'm gonna' stay up a little longer with my homies. Sweet dreams.
  16. Eviction Notice

    Scariest Experiences/Memories you've had!

    imagine not wrapping your willy
  17. Eviction Notice

    Prewhitelist Trial

    "nononono misquote im taking it back"
  18. Eviction Notice


    I like baths for relaxing, not for getting clean. If you think you get clean by climbing in a bath you're a dirty cretin.
  19. Eviction Notice

    Prewhitelist Trial

    I'm just enjoying Jay Hatch finally get the power he deserves ngl, please keep this.
  20. Eviction Notice

    Dysfunctional Asda Bourbon Biscuit

    there's a special place below the nine layers of hell for monsters like you
  21. Eviction Notice

    Developers and "Staffing"

    ayjay is toxic and thats okay because he's a staff member, what's new?
  22. Eviction Notice

    Would you leave the server if they removed the white-list?

    it's a good thing nobody did!
  23. Eviction Notice

    My nominees for future staff

    thank you sir (me below accepting my nomination)
  24. Eviction Notice

    My nominees for future staff

    sorry we don't allow loli-coomers within our sacred cult