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  1. Casey Heller

    PL Talent & Co.

    Coming Soon
  2. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Free Casino spins as a incentive to play longer

    I feel like every hour would be OP, maybe every 3 or 4 for VIP and Non-VIP get one every 5 or 6? But also in the back of my mind, this just screams "Yep, wanna be successful and get more rewards? Buy Premium for better chances."
  3. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Default defence purchase option for non VIPs

    +1 Maybe make it a little more expensive, but I guess if you do that, the prefabs should be a little better? Maybe multiple different styles, at varying costs?
  4. Casey Heller

    Gmod Stuff 2.0

    Bruh I have too many hours I would like to recall in this server alone lol
  5. Casey Heller

    Update Log - 23/08/2020

    *clears throat*
  6. Casey Heller

    Add this ringtone

    +support Can't wait to raid projex 4 then this goes off because Jay Hatch wants his $100 ticket removed
  7. Casey Heller

    @A1L @Josef @Jimmy Jackson @Aquaa @DANIEL_ What are you guys even disagreeing with? @Samuel told me the price of the Watermelon is 100k, Idk the price of brooms, and you would think an older doll that isn't as rare is more expensive then one from last year right?
  8. Casey Heller

    @curak Watermelon = 100k. Dolls (depending on the doll, rarity, year edition) = varies Brooms = ???
  9. Casey Heller

    But what he means is, is there a section you can put out there for special seasonal items, list the amount of stock you have, and perhaps either bid for them or just straight up buy them
  10. Casey Heller

    Selling everything listed below

    Ill take them for 80k
  11. Casey Heller

    remove door nametags

    @Mimball Yeah but you weren't a cop main back then.
  12. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion Remove ability for officers to perform CERTAIN dispatcher actions while a dispatcher is on duty.

    100% agree. +Support. Took the words right out of my mouth.
  13. Casey Heller

    Armour upgrade for large cars

    Like you said, as long as the tires remain poppable, pistol cops wouldn't be invalid. We have spikestrips. Also, our SOPs says to aim for the tyres anyways... As long as the Cons are fixed via rule adjustments or other measures, and the armoured vehicles are slower then there original...
  14. Casey Heller

    Burglary side mission

    What if group size was dependant on the property you received? For example, one burglar for an apartment mission, but perhaps four for a Large Subs house? How so? By someone next-door saying "Oh yes they were robbing the neighbor" I presume... I like the variety of the items inside, but I...
  15. Casey Heller

    Update Log - 19/05/2020

    Fix it for the M16A4.
  16. Casey Heller

    Update Log - 19/05/2020

    Does this reflect on the PLPD Armoury?
  17. Casey Heller

    [Suggestion] 4.4 Road Crew Workers

    I agree, maybe make the rule similar to the EMS rule, where you cannot patrol, but you must remain in populated areas that are governmental, such as Firestation, Hospital, PD, etc. I don't know why they aren't allowed to patrol?!? Maybe this can fall under 2.5 or the roadcrew rule itself...
  18. Casey Heller


    If it's from years ago, don't even fret. You couldn't predict "Nah, this will def be free". They just dropped the price on the PS4 from about 60 to 15 a few months ago I think.
  19. Casey Heller


    Furthermore, if you are getting into the game, do the "Bunker Business" as the rewards until the 21st are x3.
  20. Casey Heller

    It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

    No tag? Yikes. Lmfao, regardless, it was amazing playing with you bub!
  21. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Mayor Overhaul

    Maybe Mayor could work beside or in tangent with City Council?
  22. Casey Heller

    Professional Standards - Queries & Concerns

    Wouldn't be able to rate in this thread anyways.
  23. Casey Heller

    Professional Standards - Queries & Concerns

    Policy Board is consistent with I think only one person and that's you? I would love to be more of a 'Professional Standards' officer, but I don't think there are any jobs there other than IA and CC? I thought there was one position in PSD that wasn't one of those two... PSD doesn't really...
  24. Casey Heller

    PLPD - Patrol

    @Worker Ant suggested something like this a few times, never came to fruition. Now, it's actually kinda doable... the problem is, limiting people so that they can't be in RTU & Undercover at the same time.
  25. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion Add Mercedes ML63 AMG

    It wouldn't be any faster to RTU, but, it would be something reasonable that allows Officers to diligently perform harsher traffic duties without the need of RTU since they are capable of themselves.
  26. Casey Heller

    PLPD - Patrol

    No one uses SRT8. Patrol needs variety and more options.
  27. Casey Heller

    PLPD - Patrol

    @A1L @Josef They had it at one point shortly.
  28. Casey Heller

    PLPD - Patrol

    @Josef No, they have to spawn them in. It's the Deagle that they get.
  29. Casey Heller

    PLPD - Patrol

    @A1L The revolvers, Collier already spawns them. Also, I agree with Double J's post as long as it also involves my addition.
  30. Casey Heller

    PLPD - Patrol

    @A1L Collier already spawns those weapons, and Patrol Command/SMT has said they like the idea.