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  1. Jazz™

    PLPD best box in ever

    Ya got me xD
  2. Jazz™

    I got a problem with my computer

    For starters, what motherboard do you have? Different manufacturers may have different error codes for their motherboards. Edit: What I recommend doing first (if you're not scared of messing about with your hardware) Is: Take out your gpu and connect your monitor to your motherboard, you could...
  3. Jazz™

    Paint profile pictures.

    @Henkspenk I spent way too fucking long on this, but here lmao. It was a lot harder then It looks (I only have paint)
  4. Jazz™

    How you came up with your Profile Pic

    This is the shit version, but kermit is love, kermit is life
  5. Jazz™

    Paint profile pictures.

    @MangoJuice Would you take a look at that baby? God damn, that's some art
  6. Jazz™

    Looking for a video editor

    If you want to become a youtuber then you should actually learn how to edit. Get sony vegas 13. If you don't edit the videos, then you aren't "making" them. Edit: Also, if you don't want to game anymore, who's forcing you? Find a new hobby? xD
  7. Jazz™

    Jail Server

    A possibility could be a parole for banned players, if they are on good behavior they could be allowed back on to the main server, but if they screw up, their ban will get extended even further.
  8. Jazz™

    You know it <3

    You know it <3
  9. Jazz™

    New avatar is looking good, my man!

    New avatar is looking good, my man!
  10. Jazz™

    Paint profile pictures.

    @Sagittarius Don't want to toot my own horn, but I am pretty much Picasso.
  11. Jazz™

    No problem baby

    No problem baby
  12. Jazz™

    Paint profile pictures.

    Still waiting for mine bb :(
  13. Jazz™


    Here's a gay video Don't forget to rate dumb and all that shit :)
  14. Jazz™

    Long absence

    @Mango, I know I have given you some shit, but it's all in good fun, and in all seriousness, you really should stay, mate. Are you a minge? You can be a minge often, but that's what I like about you, it's a good laugh seeing you up to your usual antics. I really don't see why everyone is rating...
  15. Jazz™

    Paint profile pictures.

    Make mine please, I could do with a laugh
  16. Jazz™

    Keiwam's fuck about server - Gamemode ideas welcome

    Could pop that Pirates vs Redcoats ship gamemode on the server, would be fun to fuck about in.
  17. Jazz™

    Reccomendation for Henk Spenk

    I am so very sorry for your loss, best wishes and hang in there.
  18. Jazz™

    Favorite Drink

  19. Jazz™

    Action Request

    I do admit to throwing a molotov at his car, in retaliation to him, even though I shouldn't have. These players raided us a total of 4 times within 60 minutes (Bazaar 1), breaking character, metagaming and also RDM. For example, I was killed at the gas station next to bazaar by the same player...
  20. Jazz™

    Testa's Casino contributors

    Apprentice AND customer financial adviser.