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  1. abdul21

    AR on daigestive

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Drunk csgo player / Abdullah Suleimani His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Daigestive_ / Dai-Gon Jinn His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:115398140 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Ordered glacial to kill me for snitching to the cops because he killed john mcgowan, when essentially...
  2. abdul21

    AR on ligma_disk_drive

    shooting at people in bazaar and then driving off, you’re probably going to get a ticket for doing that. I don’t think people usually break the rules to avoid getting jail sentences
  3. abdul21

    AR on ligma_disk_drive

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Drunk csgo player / Abdullah Suleimani His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ligma_disk_drive / Hernyetta Patterson His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:449413770 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Under gun point, exited their car and then pulled out a makarov seemingly in an attempt to...
  4. abdul21

    close please

    He saw me directly outside a few minutes before, I then went inside. even if I was outside the shop I’d have heard the crowbar. and how does it make sense that you can raid a property unarmed unless you know they’re armed? so I can just go around raiding everywhere with just a crowbar then and...
  5. abdul21

    close please

    how's he raiding my property with no weapon? is he gonna hit me with a crowbar? seems like a 3.4 lol
  6. abdul21

    close please

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Drunk csgo player / Abdullah Suleimani His/Her Steam/In-game Name: MrWoLfX / Abduski Doman His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:115398140 Why Should This Player Be Punished: crowbarring my doors by himself while unarmed, for seemingly no reason, then saying in ooc that it was a...
  7. abdul21

    AR on Yaseen

    As I suggested, going out of my sight so you can actually aim the gun at me. you were pulling your gun out when I was pulling mine out. either way you still intended to mug me in public.
  8. abdul21

    AR on Yaseen

    In character you don’t just check who’s online and then go ahead with a mugging, it’s not realistic. Can’t just break rules because there’s less people than usual on
  9. abdul21

    AR on Yaseen

    and you still tried to mug me in a public place - breaking that rule. in that situation you didn’t have a gun to my head when I pulled it out, and you didn’t give any commands.
  10. abdul21

    AR on Yaseen

    I pulled out my gun as soon as I saw yours, if you hadn’t headshotted me I’d probably have killed you. If you’d have gone out of my sight, pulled out the gun and then pointed it at me I’d have surrendered, in that situation I felt I had a better chance of not being shot if I tried to shoot you
  11. abdul21

    AR on Yaseen

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Drunk csgo player / Abdullah Suleimani His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Yaseen / Alfred Robinson His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:101926400 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Pulled a gun on me, either to mug or kill me, directly outside my bazaar shop in order to steal my AK-101...
  12. abdul21

    Close please

    can you not read? took him at least 5 minutes to think of this reason in an admin sit, I’m not sure how you plan killing someone for an extended amount of time and then forget why you did it except for the fact that they pushed you
  13. abdul21

    Close please

    yes i made the ar i post demo soon or i just do rr if you don't want to do anything else about it based off the demo
  14. abdul21

    Close please

    Bit of a difference between being the reason he gets arrested and saying that he's lying when the guy's already off to the pd. also took him at least 5 minutes to think of this reason, which shows it evidently wasn't the reason he killed me. If it was why not mention it at the start of the admin...
  15. abdul21

    Close please

    The man himself told me to make an AR lol
  16. abdul21

    Close please

    wasn't how gimic put it
  17. abdul21

    Close please

  18. abdul21


    faster than mini cooper
  19. abdul21

    retarded ss

    He made this up wasn't me
  20. abdul21

    retarded ss

    hands down genuinely think my radio was broken or some shit, I couldn't hear any radio transmissions and I talked in radio and received no response.
  21. abdul21

    retarded ss

    out of context no audio
  22. abdul21

    free game

  23. abdul21

    AR against some guy called Nathan Bradberry

    Your Steam/In-game Name: turtlehead59/ali hamoud His/Her Steam/In-game Name: nathan bradberry His/Her SteamID: Why Should This Player Be Punished: ignored gp, put life at risk by deliberately getting mugged just so we'd get in trouble with police. screenshot shows where he said he got friend to...
  24. abdul21

    AR on IC: Nathan Hudson

    we drive into gas station, and he gets out of his car right in the way of ours, and then for 3-4 seconds he stands right in the way of the car, and seems to run towards us while saying "what the fuck, are you trying to" to which my friend replies "get out the way blyat", and I say something as i...
  25. abdul21

    AR on IC: Nathan Hudson

    don't see why you need to try and lie to back up your own points, you just look like more of an idiot. I must've been pushing you for less than 2, 3 seconds, and you didn't say anything, I asked my friend and he heard nothing as well. still don't see why you had to pull out a gun and shoot us...
  26. abdul21

    AR on IC: Nathan Hudson

    pretty sure you're thinking of another car incident, I've been rammed and flew miles, leaving me with barely any injury, and you're saying that a mini cooper that didn't even knock you over took you down to badly injured? funny joke. also didnt hear anything, so you either whispered it or didn't...
  27. abdul21

    AR on IC: Nathan Hudson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: abdul21/suleiman ahmed His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Nathan Hudson His/Her SteamID: no clue Why Should This Player Be Punished: he got his car parked at gas station, we driving past and he's right in the way, we were going like max 5mph in Mini Cooper and he was in front...
  28. abdul21


    wasted 45 minutes on this shite, absolute bhenchod
  29. abdul21


    Sudoku on phone is too easy, pro level was a walk in the park. Need harder difficulty please.
  30. abdul21

    RR: 10,000 dollar

    Your in-game name: abdul21 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:81090950 What do you need refunded: $10,000 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Man took my money and broke a couple rules while he was at it. Evidence: Tick: