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  1. CodezBlack

    Found you a boyfriend...

    Found you a boyfriend.
  2. CodezBlack

    Welcome to PERPHeads in 2018

    1:04 Fredy: Now, I want a very good fuck @Brinch
  3. CodezBlack

    What did you get for Christmas? | 2018

    Upgraded from an I5 6600k to an I7 8700K, Upgraded my motherboard to support the I7 alongside being able to support an I9. Some sweets, clothes, lynx etc. Not much but the first two are fairly expensive which lowered the present count.
  4. CodezBlack

    PERPHeads Staff Team Christmas Giveaway

    Will be donating my winnings to sweater vests should I win, I don't need the money and so I feel I should give it to those who cannot make money without interference every 60 minutes.
  5. CodezBlack


  6. CodezBlack


    I just want to post my encounter with Zac earlier in the day. I have no footage other than a demo of this but I caught him stabbing a medic to death outside PD for an invalid reason, He claimed he killed the medic because the medic was punching his friend. After tazeing him after he ran around...
  7. CodezBlack

    Bye (for now)

    None that I can see I'm afraid. It is literally a cops and robbers server, the only people I can clearly remember (Not saying I ain't seen others) building RP building is @Slayerduck where he built a little home/shack for the Drug Dealer. As I recall it was later dismantled by staff. People want...
  8. CodezBlack

    Bye (for now)

    Oh no that died out a long time ago. Although I don't know you I'm sorry to hear this experience on the server. Trust me you ain't the only one. The server mainly only welcomes people who like PVP more than others. I myself am a casual gamer so as you can guess I do not bum CS:GO/RS6 to get good...
  9. CodezBlack


    He still ain't gonna win without that nade tho
  10. CodezBlack

    Last One Of The Year

    Well if you go cop, You can actually experience their POV, Rather than constantly being unable to relate to anyone who supports the police because you legit have no experience. I have witnessed both sides and experienced their bullshit, You will see by going through every salt filled debate on...
  11. CodezBlack

    Last One Of The Year

    Still kills him though... (Clearly kills him, *rates optimistic* wat)
  12. CodezBlack

    Last One Of The Year

    So then you really can't talk can you? smh
  13. CodezBlack

    Last One Of The Year

    You probably pointed out the easiest kill he got in the video to further support your point. Mine, on the other hand, are ones where he won situations that people have been complaining about for the past few months (Feels like a year) That was the point of the reply, The video literally shows...
  14. CodezBlack

    Last One Of The Year

    How about you go cop for once? lol
  15. CodezBlack

    Last One Of The Year

    "You have an anime profile pic so your opinion does not count"
  16. CodezBlack

    Last One Of The Year

    From the footage in this video it looks likes yous are doin well for yourselves, Don't look like PD/TFU need to be nerfed anymore than they already have lol. gg
  17. CodezBlack

    Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

    That was really hard to read.
  18. CodezBlack

    Found something really interesting (science)

    So I was watching the opening scene for a 1997 movie called 'Contact' and a legend in the comments posted a link to the following site, after playing around with it for 10 minutes I was just so amazed about it. <--- For those who don't know what it's showing it is...
  19. CodezBlack

    Old Police Siren?

    I don't know where to post this thread but I am wondering if anyone has the old Police Siren that was used a year/s ago. If you do could you just put a link so I can download it. It will be nice to hear that siren again in-game, for old times sake.
  20. CodezBlack

    Unlucky son

    Unlucky son
  21. CodezBlack

    You should post a selfie of you wearing a racoon mask in the selfie thread.

    You should post a selfie of you wearing a racoon mask in the selfie thread.
  22. CodezBlack

    Send Me Your Clips

    Go at it, I gave up copyright 3-4 years ago. P.S some of these are old as I was inactive for 95% of 2018 so pls no laugh at sqeaky/cringy voice.
  23. CodezBlack


    Although it made them assholes just do what Olsen did and raid your friends because if you don't there ain't gonna be anyone else to raid. And you are gonna be an even bigger asshole raiding a new player who only has a couple of guns, still saving up for an M4 and a car.
  24. CodezBlack


    Yeaa couldn't afford to go raiding. Even now when I come on now and then I only intend to go as cop because not only can I not be arsed to go as a crim but I can't afford to nor have the time to.
  25. CodezBlack


    People don't understand that org wars ain't just a single raid, You can't just pause the war because you need to recover. It all costs money and if you are going up against an org that wipes their arse with $100 bills then they are gonna shit on you and wipe their crack with your guns. I would...
  26. CodezBlack

    GTA Online Arena Wars

    So I know the game is old af and kinda dead leaving behind try-hards and cheaters but I came on to customise the new cars as I usually do and I tried the Arena Wars and it's actually kinda fun. Just wondering if anyone who has GTA Online and has unlocked and has vehicles for Arena Wars wants to...
  27. CodezBlack

    Abduskis close call

    Man, that actually scared me a little. Worst nightmare right there. PH Horror
  28. CodezBlack

    Have any good clips from this year?

    Is that German or Dutch he speaking? lol BASITAN!! NIE HA KEFT lmao
  29. CodezBlack

    Have any good clips from this year?

    I know some of the ones I have submitted are mid-late 2017 but just trying to give you some things to work with as I was really inactive in 2018.
  30. CodezBlack

    Have any good clips from this year?

    Does it need to be gameplay on the server or can it be fan-made SP videos of perp? Also I got montages but they are from 2017 :|