Search results

  1. Putanovski

    Overwatch Giveaway

    I need to see roadhogs abs ingame I've heard great things about it
  2. Putanovski

    Food porn

    who would waste calories on this
  3. Putanovski

    Post Your ( Fav) Memes!

  4. Putanovski

    EMS Rework

    Imagine 5 fire engines all going to the same place
  5. Putanovski

    The great Paralake riot of 2018

    That's why i saw 20 bodies at the city hall when I joined
  6. Putanovski

    500K+VIP Giveaway - Ended STEAM_0:1:48309422
  7. Putanovski

    TF2/CS:GO Trading in 2018

    I only speak for tf2 trading though, I know nothing about csgo
  8. Putanovski

    TF2/CS:GO Trading in 2018

    Trading cards are a great way to make easy profit. Once you get into unusual trading however it slows down quite a bit, the process of selling unusuals highly depends on your detication. Selling unusuals is a long boring road and you do get better at it as you go but at the moment I feel that...
  9. Putanovski

    breaking 3 4 since 01

    Great content, very nice
  10. Putanovski

    Eminem VS MGK

    rapper and rapper
  11. Putanovski

    Bandages for medic/firefighter loadout.

    Ah I got the wrong idea, sorry
  12. Putanovski

    Bandages for medic/firefighter loadout.

    Medics and firefigthers have the medkit though, it stops bleeding and heals them at the same time so I don't see where this would be useful.
  13. Putanovski

    Eminem VS MGK

    you cant be serious
  14. Putanovski

    Event Staff

    sorry i am pretty dumb so i agree on you with that
  15. Putanovski

    Event Staff

  16. Putanovski

    Back To School Giveaway -175k Giveaway

    i will trade mine for yours
  17. Putanovski

    Back To School Giveaway -175k Giveaway

    Name:UUU SteamID:STEAM_0:1:48309422 Number: 5
  18. Putanovski

    3 Month VIP Giveaway!!!

    UUU STEAM_0:1:48309422
  19. Putanovski

    Dropped My ESP | Tyla Jai Ban Explanation easiest decision of my life
  20. Putanovski

    Dropped My ESP | Tyla Jai Ban Explanation

    terminate all cheaters
  21. Putanovski

    Police Computer Update

    Best update for police in a long time