Search results

  1. Palodhi

    Meta gaming

    Bad Spelling.
  2. Palodhi

    Meta gaming

    Note: Not metagaming
  3. Palodhi

    Free up

    Free up
  4. Palodhi

    Happy birthday kid.

    Happy birthday kid.
  5. Palodhi


  6. Palodhi


    5 mil and face reveal for him.
  7. Palodhi

    Refund Request (Palodhi)

    Your Steam Name: Palodhi Your Roleplay Name: Ben Niko Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81111055 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon in a raid when it was conficated against the rules by police. Requested Items: 1x AK-101, 1x Red dot sight, 1x Rifle compensator, 1x Full AK-101 Mag, 1x AK-101 Stock...
  8. Palodhi


    this is why i chose wheels edit: do not rate this post mina
  9. Palodhi


  10. Palodhi

    Man cheated then flexed about killing people smh L bozo

    Man cheated then flexed about killing people smh L bozo
  11. Palodhi

    Only For Tinky only for him

  12. Palodhi


  13. Palodhi

    Refund Request (HKUSP40 full loaded)

    Your Steam Name: Señor Palodhi Your Roleplay Name: Ben Niko Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81111055 What do you need refunded?: HKUSP40 full loaded Why should this request be considered?: The rule break caused us to lose the raid and guns, I was told to make a RR to get my gun back, i lost a pistol...
  14. Palodhi

    Still awful

    Still awful
  15. Palodhi


  16. Palodhi

    Tonight is all or nothing tbh, if we don't win we are going down

    Tonight is all or nothing tbh, if we don't win we are going down
  17. Palodhi

    Server Suggestion Bring Queue Server Back

    It's been more then 2 days for sure
  18. Palodhi

    Server Suggestion Bring Queue Server Back

    Suggestion Title: Bring Queue Server Back Suggestion Description: Bring the old queue server back, basically a three for all. PERP has been getting a lot of players recently which makes long queues, the queue server will make it less annoying to wait in these queues. Why should this be added...
  19. Palodhi

    Refund Request (HKUSP40 with red dot, silencer and full mag)

    Your Steam Name: Señor Palodhi Your Roleplay Name: Ben Niko Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81111055 What do you need refunded?: HKUSP40 with red dot, silencer and full mag Why should this request be considered?: I have had an accepted Action request @flugs, rules were broken which made me lose the gun...
  20. Palodhi

    That would be absolutely scenes

    That would be absolutely scenes
  21. Palodhi

    Mate, send us to national league already ffs

    Mate, send us to national league already ffs
  22. Palodhi

    Action Request (Jaturas and buy some CATNIP)

    Your Steam Name: Señor Palodhi Your Roleplay Name: Ben Niko Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81111055 Player's Community Name: @Jaturas @buysomecatnip Player's Roleplay Name: Lamar Carlson and Franklin Garcia Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:116978813 and STEAM_0:1:510834359 Why should this player be...
  23. Palodhi

    Post your setup

  24. Palodhi

    Trade up challenge - Burger to Bugatti?

    Terrence Smith wins the prizes!
  25. Palodhi

    Trade up challenge - Burger to Bugatti?

    I will be spinning the wheel at 9:15 on this discord, join if you would like to see Edit: we will be in general at 9:15
  26. Palodhi

    Trade up challenge - Burger to Bugatti?

    Another quick start as we have already gained an Colt M4A1! A trade with @travis saw us gain a crowbar for our burger which then was traded for an UZI from @Bønnisen . This UZI was then trade for an M4A1 from @sidd , brilliant start and even more profit being made! Edit: A trade with @FARSTAD...
  27. Palodhi

    Trade up challenge - Burger to Bugatti?

    @TinySlayer has decided to donate one burger to the cause, this will be traded up too.
  28. Palodhi

    Trade up challenge - Burger to Bugatti?

    A massive jump in profit has seen us gain a 2016 Holiday Doll! A trade with @flugs saw us trade our PPK for a Colt Anaconda which was quickly swapped for a KAC SR-25 Barrel with @rogue . Thanks to @Maia , we were able to gain a large amount of profit and trade the Barrel for the 2016 Holiday...
  29. Palodhi

    Trade up challenge - Burger to Bugatti?

    The challenge has started with a bang as we have already gained a Walther PPK! A trade with Terrence Smith saw us trade a burger for a donut. This donut was quickly traded for a fully loaded Walther PPK from Denis Nagy!