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  1. kerzify

    Paralakes Street Race!

    ENTRIES CLOSE TODAY AT: 25/05/2022 (11:59pm)
  2. kerzify

    Paralakes Street Race!

  3. kerzify

    Final Goodbye

    Hi man, It's good to always talk to people, It's only a temporary feeling pal, It'll obviously go away, You won't be spending your entire life being upset and feeling a certain way, It's only going to get better, Just take a timeout, a break away from things will make you much happier, A lot of...
  4. kerzify

    Photo professionally taken by me.

    Photo professionally taken by me.
  5. kerzify


  6. kerzify

    Paralakes Street Race!

    Yes they can be in multiple, Just copy and paste the same template. :D
  7. kerzify

    Full Job Guide (Illegal / Legal)

    Hello all, So I've had a lot of New Players / Players with some experience wanting to rack up their cash before starting their adventures so I hope this Guide will be beneficial to you all. Here are the list of LEGAL Jobs and their description with the LOCATION of where you can sign on or...
  8. kerzify

    Rogue / Rotonde Kreisverkehr

    I think you've forgot about somebody.
  9. kerzify

    Rogue / Rotonde Kreisverkehr

    Wow, Is this true Rogue? If so I shall not be purchasing any of them Meth donuts.
  10. kerzify

    Rogue / Rotonde Kreisverkehr

    @rogue is definitely one of the nicest players I've ever experienced with my time on PERP and the way he goes to his full extent to setup Roleplay Area's to attract the members of the server is amazing. It's always great to talk to Rogue and RP with him, He's filled with idea's and I can't wait...
  11. kerzify

    So how is Perpheads doing?

    I've been playing for the same duration as you, Started Jan 2017 and was instantly addicted to play and couldn't get off, I then stopped playing for other reasons came back in 2019, stopped playing and then came back in 2022 and I'm back in the 2017 Loop, It's definitely in one of the most fun...
  12. kerzify

    Staff Island - Pilot

    That's hilarious mate, What a video, I shouldn't have laughed as much as I did LOL
  13. kerzify

    Paralakes Street Race!

    PARALAKES STREET RACE Date: Monday 06/06/2022 CG Top Opens: 7pm - Races Start: 7:30pm BST The current date can change, However, You will be 100% alerted beforehand privately and publicly on this post...
  14. kerzify

    Server Suggestion Zip tying unconscious bodies

    I semi-like this however I have one thing in which I'd like to mention that I definitely don't agree with. I think it's a somewhat decent idea and Police can cuff bodies on the ground so it semi makes it even, I like the fact that as also mentioned it can stop the minging mug for example...
  15. kerzify


    Welcome to PERP, Hope to see you around some time :D
  16. kerzify

    [ATTACH] Call me the CASINO Wizard!

    Call me the CASINO Wizard!
  17. kerzify

    Server Suggestion Craftable Splint.

    +1 - I was just about to make a suggestion as I just found out that you couldn't craft splints. I mean to be honest, Splints are extremely underused especially with the amount of situations that users get crippled in, I think they 100% should be cartable like Bandages and Stim Packs which allow...
  18. kerzify

    Hello, everyone :)

    Hi mate. Welcome to PERP and I hope you enjoy yourself, PERP 100% has a lot to offer as a Roleplay Server, You are definitely in the right place, For the jobs, There is a absolute list of Legal jobs in which you can do which consist of: Courier (Delivery Driver, You make deliveries across the...
  19. kerzify

    [ATTACH] The WINNERS of the 2v2 Gulag for $1,000,000! Congratulations Tinky and Amy.

    The WINNERS of the 2v2 Gulag for $1,000,000! Congratulations Tinky and Amy.
  20. kerzify

    Hello everyone

    Hi mate, Welcome to the Server. Yeah... PERP has a lot to offer, I'm sure you haven't even seen the most of it! I am assuming you're talking about your linked Forum / Discord account to PERP to retrieve those items? If so, You must go into City Hall (Spawn Area) and go to the NPC on the far...
  21. kerzify

    The Gulag 2.0

    Undoubtedly the most fun I've had being apart of an event, being apart of it for 6 hours and 10 minutes and not wanting to leave / leaving once shows how much I enjoyed Staffing and managing others in the Event. The numbers were outrageous, managing to reach a server player count of 93. Thank...
  22. kerzify

    An Apology (not a unban request)

    I had no clue what had just happened to me, I thought I got Car Bombed :laughcry:, People make mistakes and regretful actions, I personally accept your apology for my death lol, In all seriousness, You got a punishment so once you wait it out you should be all good to go, just make sure you're...
  23. kerzify

    [SFM Render] Dusk

    Looks sick mate, proper nice detail, HALO one next?
  24. kerzify

    Server Suggestion Server Wipe

    Major -1 I can see where you are coming from / what you're wanting to achieve, but I don't think this is not going to happen...
  25. kerzify

    Omar Asfour and his shenanigans

    Barry got clipped hardcore at 4:40
  26. kerzify

    happy birthday baldy

    happy birthday baldy
  27. kerzify

    Server Suggestion Car radio upgrade

    Well to be honest, There's not much difference between a YouTube car radio and a TV, They both will be the same and both have the same extent of misuse, I know alternatively people can shoot the TV in which results into the video to stop playing, However, if you're driving around the map...
  28. kerzify

    Server Suggestion Car radio upgrade

    +1 Would absolutely love this, To be honest I'm surprised that this wasn't added beforehand.
  29. kerzify

    Police Suggestion Mark training and command staff when they’re on duty.

    +1, I do really like this idea. To be honest, other than what you have listed other than being targeted, I don't personally see any other negatives it can have, maybe it could be an optional thing as some people would like to use it and some people wouldn't?
  30. kerzify

    The Gulag 2.0

    That looks sick, I liked the first arena too tbf. The bus which you can walk through too is a must, that was hilarious