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  1. Patch

    AR On Cup_Master

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Patch - Jack Gogh His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Charlie Dynasty His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47529486 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, 5.1. CHarlie Dynasty/cupmaster and his friends waited for me to spawn my car in a PUBLIC area and waited for me to walk over to...
  2. Patch

    New flip feature

    I would like to see this implemented +support
  3. Patch

    Action request on Thermosifonas

    @Johny-Quid$$$ My NLR zone trigger thing wasn't active when running past regals. Calling your friend dimitri doesn't change it at all, I was given a description of what you were wearing and I acted upon that information, I didn't meta game. Your "plan" to escape hardly worked, you were a 0.5...
  4. Patch

    AR on Ethan

    Involved/Guy holding the grenade. Tbh I can't remember why I pulled the grenade but I think I was possibly wanted for murder or I had killed someone. I did say that I had a grenade to the officer, and he still shot me.
  5. Patch

    Action request on Thermosifonas

    There was you, some garry guy and sir riley, I open fired on all of you garry included for association and to preserve my life, there wasn't anyone else in bazaar as far as I was aware but even if there was, it still wouldn't be 3.4 as they were clearly not your friends and not involved in the...
  6. Patch

    Ability to crowbar open trunks

    I was literally thinking about this last night and was going to make a suggestion but after reading the comments here I’ve realised that it wouldn’t be as such of a good idea as I was thinking
  7. Patch

    Action request on Thermosifonas

    Dude you literally waited like 30 secodns before trying to kill me, obviously there was cops still around lmao. I wouldn't go as far as to say me and A1L are friends, atleast not best friends anyway, we have quite a few arguments per day I'd say lol. Yes you had every right to kill me... but not...
  8. Patch

    Action request on Thermosifonas

    Thanks for providing that mate, I’m useless at getting demos as you can probably tell :laughcry:
  9. Patch

    Action request on Thermosifonas

    I didn’t even know that it was you that raided us the first time, me punching you outside of regals was me being stupid but also I was trying to keep you there as you were in handcuffs with no officer present, nothing related to my previous life I was just being a good citizen and stopping a...
  10. Patch

    I'm not banned

    I'm not banned
  11. Patch

    Action request on Thermosifonas

    If it's not you, then you just need to name the person it was as I believe it was you. When I killed you the first time I made sure there was no cops present, there was you and two others who did not have a gun out at the time hence why I open fired which resulted in me getting shot by one guy...
  12. Patch

    RDM Gang AR - I want my 5 mins back

    Cobra was indeed minging, he smashed into my vehicle when he was RC outside the PD then got into a police chase and then disconnected when he got forcefully stopped.
  13. Patch

    Action request on Thermosifonas

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Patch/Aayan Salahuddin His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Thermosifonas His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37905857 Why Should This Player Be Punished:Broke 3.4, player mugged my friend. I went back to my apartment and my friend was there and told me he got mugged and gave me a...
  14. Patch

    Waypo Applications

    Name:Aayan Salahuddin Firearms Level:40, will go up over the next few days though Money in Bank: 3 Million Estimated Asset worth in Inventory: 500k Have you signed up to the website? Yeah Why would you like to join Waypo? I want to join an organisation that has active members such as...
  15. Patch

    AR on Aayon

    The logs can back up that I did not store my sniper at the time you had come up. I said store your shit as in your drugs if you had any incase we got mugged but it was a split second decision (I didn't store anything anyway as the logs can also back this up)
  16. Patch

    AR on Aayon

    I had no idea that you were coming up, By the time I knew you were there I had already stored my sniper, I didn't store my sniper due to the fact that you were there
  17. Patch


    More than happy to come to an agreement, every time we have an encounter in game it always goes pear shape and I'm sure it's effecting your RP experience as well as mine. I didn't purposely trying to run you over, I was genuinely stuck and couldn't get out my vehicle so I was trying to get down...
  18. Patch


    First of all, I was trying to enable my self to get out of the vehicle as you requested as I was stuck in the vehicle when you told me to get out, I can't exactly steer the vehicle off of a roof. It's not my fault you're retarded enough to stand in front of a vehicle thats quite clearly stuck, I...
  19. Patch


    Goodnight on the pingers ayy ;)
  20. Patch

    Ezpz AR

    Edit: Lmao I just remembered another reason I had to kill you, I was walking by the business sector at the end of the highway and you decided to purposely ram me with your fucking car ad try to crush me into the wall.
  21. Patch

    Ezpz AR

    Yeah you carry on chatting shit to make yourself not look like a prick for making an AR lol. My reasoning for killing you was because you were making me feel alarmed and distressed by pulling out a gun which I had warned you to stop doing and you wanted to keep doing and following me about...
  22. Patch

    Bat Into Hell

    We were very unlikely to be injured if the officer didn’t break 3.4 and run in with a bat and run around like a spastic and start hitting us, there was two cops left, one being the cop that broke 3.4 and another one being the cop off that was in the hospital who would of not managed to kill all...
  23. Patch

    Refund Request For Inventory

    Ty, resolved now
  24. Patch

    Refund Request For Inventory

    Your in-game name: Aayan Salahuddin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:84694348 What do you need refunded: My whole previous inventory, I had 40ish pieces of metal, 16 wrenches, 5 metal rods ish, 10 full mags of pistol ammo, 20 cardboard boxes, 5 beretta magazines, and some other crap I can't remember Why...
  25. Patch

    Bat Into Hell The player was issued a verbal warning
  26. Patch

    Ezpz AR

    AS you can see in the video he keeps pulling his gun out, a bit before the bit he's shown in his demo I told him to stop pointing a gun at me or I would kill him wish he's clearly missed out of his video.
  27. Patch

    Ezpz AR

    You can clearly see in the video you kept pulling a gun out on me for no reason hence the reason you was killed. And you came back and did the same thing so I gun pointed you when you turned your back and held you hostage and you didn’t comply with my requests so you got killed.
  28. Patch

    AR Against Hopeful

    LOL, that was ages after he rdmed
  29. Patch

    AR Against Hopeful

    I was stood by PD talking ooc with two guys, he ran over and killed us all, I wasn’t breaking NLR as the situation ended like 5 minutes prior to this situation.
  30. Patch

    AR Against Hopeful

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Ayaan Salahuddin His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Hopeful His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:239898716 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Killed me and 3 others for no reason Evidence (Demo Required): (Demo shows nothing...