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  1. Patch

    Bat Into Hell

    My scar had a scope and another attachment which I can't remember
  2. Patch


    1, I wasn't going to kill you, I was just the driver, the whole gun grab thing isn't anything to do with me, however you injured my friend regardless of what he did so my reason for carbombing you is because my friend suffered injuries from your actions.
  3. Patch


    Also I like how you put together a load of the messages as your "evidence" to make it look a lot worse. Pretty sure them messages were minutes apart.
  4. Patch


    1, In a real life situation a SWAT officer would not fucking run over somebody, two the carbomb was RP as we did not like you for hurting my friend and also your ingame character attitude towards us during the whole ordeal In the city, real life situation and shit like this could happen in real...
  5. Patch

    kianharris2001 (Patch)

    Lmfao you can't be serious, throughout the entire time I was online you was breaking multiple rules, failRPing, breaking 3.4 etc, you clearly have it out for me. The shot towards you was a warning shot but I didn't mean to hit your car. You fearRPed as soon as you got out of the car despite me...
  6. Patch

    BR on Luke Person suggested by Niko

    I +support this too. He's randomly shot me before as well, he made me get on my knees outside of the pd, I was on my knees and he decided to shoot me in the end because I pissed him off. I hope you get your gun back Tyrone and I hope he gets banned!
  7. Patch


    Good moderator*
  8. Patch

    Chris The Moderator.

    I agree too. I used to think he was a bit of a dick(I didn't know him too well) I've totally changed my opinion on him in the past few weeks. Keep up the good work mate!
  9. Patch

    Warning Request

    +Support this. This douche bag also told me to "Get on my knees" when I was on my knees he kept screaming and yelling at me whilst I'm an unarmed citizen outside the PD. He then shoots me whilst I AM complying outside the police department and I was unarmed. I have no clue how he was accepted...
  10. Patch

    BR on john clausen and knud clausen

    You did not tie him up LOL. Don't even try and lie to get out of this.
  11. Patch

    BR on john clausen and knud clausen

    +Support this. They also did this too me. Ban them!
  12. Patch

    Are you frank schiberas or w/e?

    Are you frank schiberas or w/e?
  13. Patch

    Are you frank schiberas or w/e?

    Are you frank schiberas or w/e?
  14. Patch

    Ban Request on George Yuvach

    This is not correct. The officer accidentally uncuffed me, so I ran away. From my hearing, he said "QUICK, JACK IS RUNNING"
  15. Patch

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    (OOC Questions) -Steam Name:Patchy21041 -Age (OOC): 14 -Are YOU Active?:Yes, I'm on mostly everyday, I'm a huge fan of this server. It's my favorite. -Steam ID: -Total playtime:252 hours in total on Gmod, I've probably played nearly 2 days total on PerpHeads though! -Are you a VIP: Yes...
  16. Patch

    Manual Goverment Panic Button

    Seems like a very good idea. Would make the game much more fun (Not saying it's not fun lol) And would also stop FearRP +Support
  17. Patch

    Robbery - Inactivity for 1-2 Weeks

    This really sucks man. Hopefully shit gets sorted out :)