Search results

  1. xhantium


  2. xhantium


  3. xhantium

    Selling weaboo katana

  4. xhantium

    The Harpers Application

    Denied. /phone
  5. xhantium

    roast me

    You remind me of chuteuk.
  6. xhantium

    Bolli HATE group

    Just got our new flags
  7. xhantium

    Your just all upset your not as cool as us danes

    Your just all upset your not as cool as us danes
  8. xhantium


  9. xhantium

    Bye for now

    Bye, see you soon.
  10. xhantium

    No that was because I felt nice and unbanned you, clearly was for nothing seeing as your still a...

    No that was because I felt nice and unbanned you, clearly was for nothing seeing as your still a mingebag.
  11. xhantium


  12. xhantium


    Its been a fun 8 months as staff and overall I've had alot of fun during my time here at perpheads. But everything have to come to an end. I'm resigning from my position as moderator. Reason being is that I'm not feeling the same dedication as I used to, I think overall I've just played too much...
  13. xhantium

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  14. xhantium


    Come visit me in malaga
  15. xhantium

    I don't think anyone likes rule breakers.

    I don't think anyone likes rule breakers.
  16. xhantium

    I do, I have moderator powers?

    I do, I have moderator powers?
  17. xhantium

    I accepted one person

    I accepted one person
  18. xhantium


  19. xhantium


  20. xhantium

    Thats right.

    Thats right.
  21. xhantium

    [Award] Captain Ayjay Harlem

    PARALAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT AWARDS Forum Name: @AyJay Awarded: Police Meritorious Achievement Awarded to individuals for performing a particularly noteworthy act in service to the Paralake Police Department.
  22. xhantium

    My Encounter Today

    I'm happy I could help you, if anything alike this happens again just try to remember what I told you.
  23. xhantium

    Rougue take that comment back...

    Rougue take that comment back...
  24. xhantium

    Mossberg OP ?

    Thats why I always tell people that you can snipe with mossbergs!
  25. xhantium

    Oh no...

    // on phone. @Puma123 yes I did, was even underboss in growing power.
  26. xhantium

    Oh no...

    Fuck ye, I missed you. Welcome back bro.
  27. xhantium

    Ive followee instructions from the guide but it dont seem to work

    Ive followee instructions from the guide but it dont seem to work
  28. xhantium


  29. xhantium


    Hey guys, I will be in Dubai from 3rd to 12th april. See ya.
  30. xhantium


    Anything Marvel related is always good, but Breaking Bad is the best show imo.