Search results

  1. Jake_

    Happy birtdhay x

    Happy birtdhay x
  2. Jake_

    Where do you want to travel?

    Las Vegas is very nice same with New York. I want to go to Amsterdam then eventually places like Bali when I am old enough
  3. Jake_

    WHat is the best fast food

    mcdonalds > every other place
  4. Jake_

    Happy 42nd today!

    Happy 42nd today!
  5. Jake_

    happy birthday xoxo

    happy birthday xoxo
  6. Jake_

    Kenty is made of Vibranium

  7. Jake_


    Practising IRL right now
  8. Jake_


    When the event happens do /joinevent
  9. Jake_


    Can't wait to spend 4 hours again parkouring for NOTHING
  10. Jake_

    Sorle: An Introduction

    Thanks man i appreciate it
  11. Jake_

    Sorle: An Introduction

    Please clean your worktop
  12. Jake_

    [MEDIA] hmmmm sus

    hmmmm sus
  13. Jake_

    When are Molotovs useable

    This is fine as you are not directly impacting anyone else negatively No, you cannot Molotov someone's base or shop purely because you are rivals. You need a justifiable reason to get revenge on that specific person. Molotoving someones shop or base should be an act of revenge on that person...
  14. Jake_

    Police Suggestion Make Heavy TFU move slightly slower

    Makes sense as the armour is 'heavy' so they should be slowed
  15. Jake_

    Ban Apology (Maia)

    Nothing, just wait for it to be looked at :)
  16. Jake_

    Ban Apology (Maia)

    You were banned by @Maia
  17. Jake_

    Blacklist Dispute (TinySlayer)

    As I am involved in the situation, If this is the case of why he got blacklisted I was not offended at all and I know that it was not said personally and was just a joke. Us saying 'nt' or 'L' to each other has happened many times before and we both know that we don't intend it as an insult
  18. Jake_

    PERPHeads Rust 2023

    Maybe to encourage more people to play it could be like a tournament that happens every so often? With a reward put together by everyone participating It gives reason for people to play and put some effort into it
  19. Jake_

    PERPHeads Rust 2023

    Pretty sure over half the people who voted yes are EU, Surely that means because of the majority the server should be EU?
  20. Jake_

    rust perp

    Won't be able to offline my armoured 2x2 bunker which was made from youtube tutorials. Plus i'm never getting offline bozo
  21. Jake_

    rust perp

    Average uncensored player
  22. Jake_

    Maybe in the future!

    Maybe in the future!
  23. Jake_


  24. Jake_


  25. Jake_

    useful thread

    goofy ah thread
  26. Jake_

    $10m Giveaway and a goodbye

    I feel this car really works with my personality, it has a lot of history and I feel we connect over that
  27. Jake_

    Server Suggestion Fireworks when winning a big prize

    Why would you want fireworks outside the casino when you are inside?
  28. Jake_

    Server Suggestion Take Comms and Guns

    Just use /me takes weapons and comms. A lot easier and has the same affect
  29. Jake_

    Server Suggestion Freeze people when they stand on slots chairs

    Suggestion Title: Freeze people when they stand on slots chairs Suggestion Description: Like when standing on blackjack tables you get moved and frozen for 3 seconds. Would be the same concept as blackjack tables so its stops annoying people getting in the way. Why should this be added...