Search results

  1. Jake_

    $4.000.000 Mega New Year's Giveaway!

    1. Stop sitting on my PC all day and go outside more, start revising for my GCSEs 2. I am looking forward to meeting @Kay and his mother. Also excited for V6! 3. Shit Joke causes death Mina is a weirdo PLPD's finest
  2. Jake_


  3. Jake_


  4. Jake_


  5. Jake_

    happy birthday fred

    happy birthday fred
  6. Jake_

    Server Suggestion Cancelling animations by pressing something

    Suggestion Title: Cancelling animations by pressing something Suggestion Description: Be able to cancel things like dancing, picking up guns, storing guns, applying heavy tfu gear, taking items when mugging. Why should this be added?: - It adds realism - If you are mid doing one of these...
  7. Jake_

    Refund Request (Jake_)

    Your Steam Name: Jake_ Your Roleplay Name: Jake Briskly Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:462820583 Reason for Request: Lost planters due to meth explosion of another player Requested Items: 1x advanced planter 1x radiator 1x light pole 6x gardening pots Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff...
  8. Jake_


    Yes! you shoot it down to get loot
  9. Jake_


    He's playing rust in the back round and the attack helicopter is out
  10. Jake_


    You sat in a corner, well done
  11. Jake_

    PERPHeads Christmas Calendar 2022

    Does this mean Paralake V6 is coming?
  12. Jake_

    What videogame are you most passionate about?

    Stayed on till 5 once then slept for an hour and got raided in that time I was off The cretins always get your loot somehow
  13. Jake_

    What videogame are you most passionate about?

    When I play, Rust is very good and I will play for hours on end Until I get offline raided and want to top myself
  14. Jake_

    Selling VIP for In-Game cash

    Keep asking people via OOC in game. Eventually someone will offer to buy it off you for a certain price and then you can negotiate an even price
  15. Jake_

    Funny moments in 24 hours

    False, I have 2 dads
  16. Jake_

    Funny moments in 24 hours

    Don't lie You have no bitches
  17. Jake_

    Favourite Drinks people?

  18. Jake_

    Should I run for enforcer

    Support. #gokayfunds
  19. Jake_

    Fifa 23 Teams

    L team
  20. Jake_

    Ban Apology (rogue)

    It is because @KeiwaM is an enforcer and doesn't have the ability to ban you themselves, so @rogue who is a mod did it for them
  21. Jake_

    Considering making a basic Basing tutorial

    This would help out new players probably a fair bit when they start to base, They have basic drug guides available to them but a video or tutorial on all the basic tips for basing involved in 1 would save a lot of hassle for the player and would be beneficial for them
  22. Jake_

    Fifa 23 Teams

    Some very lucky red picks
  23. Jake_

    Fifa 23 Teams

    I don't go outside
  24. Jake_

    Fifa 23 Teams

    you have some very good teams tbf
  25. Jake_

    Fifa 23 Teams

    don't know what you're on about
  26. Jake_

    Fifa 23 Teams

    Show off your fifa team Heres mine: Currently worth like 1.5 mil
  27. Jake_


  28. Jake_

    tenn milion prepcahs rite now or I revel u racism

    tenn milion prepcahs rite now or I revel u racism
  29. Jake_

    Bab Activated >
  30. Jake_

    Bab Activated

    Don't act like you will get off crossy nailgun gear