Search results

  1. Jake_

    Encounters/Experiences IRL with Police

    shouted piggy at one once
  2. Jake_

    you smell

    you smell
  3. Jake_

    Crim Montage

    you're bad at rust
  4. Jake_

    Car texture all messed up

    make sure you have the content correctly downloaded
  5. Jake_

    Community Suggestion Helper ranks.

    Would you not rather helpers deal with the small picky reports that we cannot do currently while you deal with actual reports that need to be investigated?
  6. Jake_

    Community Suggestion Helper ranks.

    I agree Although some things that you get added as going up the helper ranks should not be there, Like mentioned above. Noclip can be beneficial because if someone is needing help with something that you cannot explain over F6 it would be nice to have a quick way to get to them
  7. Jake_

    false accusation

    false accusation
  8. Jake_

    We will never know

    We will never know
  9. Jake_


  10. Jake_


  11. Jake_

    Thank you

    Thank you
  12. Jake_

    Thanks Mr Beasly

    Thanks Mr Beasly
  13. Jake_

    Meow or wuff

    Imagine having a cat that fucks off every day to go eat random shit and would probably stay somewhere else if they got food
  14. Jake_

    valorant shit

    Still got carried by me and @Dom (͡o‿O͡) zzzzz
  15. Jake_


  16. Jake_

    Server Suggestion PLPD respawns

    I wasn't joking, everything I said in that statement is facts and I think most people and crim mains would agree with me
  17. Jake_

    Server Suggestion PLPD respawns

    First of all if anything cops have the advantage over crims, - Access to armour, heavy armour for TFU - Variety of given weapons - Vast numbers of you, outnumbering crims - You can respond after your NLR timer is gone, something crims cannot do - TFU also have access to a load of rifles, snipers...
  18. Jake_

    rxsm's 11 year old minecraft youtube channel?

    Real question is, when is @Palodhi releasing vlog footage?
  19. Jake_

    rxsm's 11 year old minecraft youtube channel?

    64 subscriber special?
  20. Jake_

    I must give you my greatest apology. I never meant it to go this far. When I started these...

    I must give you my greatest apology. I never meant it to go this far. When I started these shenanigans, I imagined nothing of such a serious matter. I didn't mean to harm your dignity, respect, or honor. But, now that's it's gone this far, I can only do one thing; apologize. So, from the bottom...
  21. Jake_


  22. Jake_

    Mrs Kushenburg did in fact tell me that x

    Mrs Kushenburg did in fact tell me that x
  23. Jake_

    Thanks mr ross

    Thanks mr ross
  24. Jake_


  25. Jake_

    Hobby Show-off Thread

    Abuse from the coach in the last clip
  26. Jake_

    Server Suggestion Vehicle Repairing Improvement

    Wrenches will still need to be in the game for crafting items such as crowbars
  27. Jake_

    Server Suggestion Group Call

    Government empolyees can use radio, non government employees can use teamspeak, it is not illegal to use
  28. Jake_

    Server Suggestion Group Call

    Why would government employees need to have a group call
  29. Jake_

    Server Suggestion Group Call

    Just use teamspeak
  30. Jake_

    Do you work in public services or healthcare?

    I'm a 16 year old boy who sits inside all day playing games