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  1. speklolly02

    Remove the law 9.7 sexual offenses

    I think the negatives will be that a lot of people will be a lot more sexual during RP situations and I dont think thats a good optic...
  2. speklolly02

    Hmmm why arent you orange then??/

    Hmmm why arent you orange then??/
  3. speklolly02

    i prefer see purple

    i prefer see purple
  4. speklolly02

    ik mis je blauwe naam wel man jammer dat je geen mod meer bent :(

    ik mis je blauwe naam wel man jammer dat je geen mod meer bent :(
  5. speklolly02

    Brother is nearly back

    Brother is nearly back
  6. speklolly02


    Hi, you will get it i believe in you!
  7. speklolly02

    5 Million Giveaway
  8. speklolly02

    Delta 1: Sound of the Porsche

    Nice clip tyla was fun to watch :)
  9. speklolly02

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  10. speklolly02

    maar als de zaken maar goed gaan is beste toch

    maar als de zaken maar goed gaan is beste toch
  11. speklolly02

    wanneer dan

    wanneer dan
  12. speklolly02

    My Resignation

    Sad to see you leave curak but glad you stick around the server! maybe you reapply once again;)
  13. speklolly02

    Server Suggestion Individual Mute for ooc

    Description of the idea: A mute button for the ooc chat for individuals Why should this be added? (pros): So people get less annoyed by people they dont like or something like that What negatives could this have? (cons): Not that im aware of *Other additions: [list here] *Images: [useful images]
  14. speklolly02

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  15. speklolly02

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  16. speklolly02

    Stop crashing the server dude............

    Stop crashing the server dude............
  17. speklolly02

    Hoe is het met de spook hemzelf

    Hoe is het met de spook hemzelf
  18. speklolly02

    faka g

    faka g
  19. speklolly02

    ewa broer jij bent gwn helper Lekker bro

    ewa broer jij bent gwn helper Lekker bro
  20. speklolly02

    Post your setup

    Alex There is no way you can see ur whole screen the same time without turning ur head around
  21. speklolly02

    Post your setup

    @curak Broo jou setup is wel de schoonste man zeg je eerlijk
  22. speklolly02

    Welcome back but why no purple name:(

    Welcome back but why no purple name:(
  23. speklolly02

    the staff team when they passed 1.2

    what an impressive laugh!
  24. speklolly02

    Day 1 that i never had flugs on steam ?

    Day 1 that i never had flugs on steam ?
  25. speklolly02

    excuse me i dont get you

    excuse me i dont get you
  26. speklolly02

    wat bedoel je daar nou weer mee

    wat bedoel je daar nou weer mee
  27. speklolly02

    hahahah lekker man bro

    hahahah lekker man bro
  28. speklolly02

    al 20 hele jaren haha

    al 20 hele jaren haha
  29. speklolly02

    je bent wel al oud man

    je bent wel al oud man
  30. speklolly02

    ewa Gave Gozert

    ewa Gave Gozert