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  1. speklolly02

    did you legit got perma bann for that? thats really childish lmao , they cant handle jokes i guess

    did you legit got perma bann for that? thats really childish lmao , they cant handle jokes i guess
  2. speklolly02

    Life sucks with the perma ban doesnt it?

    Life sucks with the perma ban doesnt it?
  3. speklolly02

    ja broer sws

    ja broer sws
  4. speklolly02

    [MEDIA] al geluisterd?

    al geluisterd?
  5. speklolly02

    hahahha dat rare buurtjongetje ik ga stuk

    hahahha dat rare buurtjongetje ik ga stuk
  6. speklolly02


  7. speklolly02

    Well I dont read the shit underneath the message so you gave me permission to RDM him good to...

    Well I dont read the shit underneath the message so you gave me permission to RDM him good to know :)
  8. speklolly02

    Oh Then Ill forgive you MR FLUGS Ill see you in game once again then I will beat you :0

    Oh Then Ill forgive you MR FLUGS Ill see you in game once again then I will beat you :0
  9. speklolly02

    You deleted my beautifulmessages :(

    You deleted my beautifulmessages :(
  10. speklolly02

    hahahahahahah aiii oke goeie lekker vliegen xD

    hahahahahahah aiii oke goeie lekker vliegen xD
  11. speklolly02

    geen idee man moeten we wel keer doen toch White widow fzo of balenciaga assie

    geen idee man moeten we wel keer doen toch White widow fzo of balenciaga assie
  12. speklolly02

    Merry Christmas bros

    Merry Christmas bros
  13. speklolly02

    $2 Million Dollar Giveaway!

    merry christmas
  14. speklolly02

    Harley ik kan jou ook gewoon niet serieus nemen echt waar

    Harley ik kan jou ook gewoon niet serieus nemen echt waar
  15. speklolly02

    Giving away a 2015 Doll

    Harm Niko
  16. speklolly02

    @THE SPOOK madlyn en ik zijn er niet meer dus hoofdpijn wordt al wel minder toch

    @THE SPOOK madlyn en ik zijn er niet meer dus hoofdpijn wordt al wel minder toch
  17. speklolly02


  18. speklolly02


  19. speklolly02

    @flugs no my clue is way better

    @flugs no my clue is way better
  20. speklolly02

    stepping down and then come back as senior administrator :)

    stepping down and then come back as senior administrator :)
  21. speklolly02


    Welkom terug husky heb je gemist
  22. speklolly02

    nooo man nog niet ga m is ff checken

    nooo man nog niet ga m is ff checken
  23. speklolly02

    goeie broodjes gap

    goeie broodjes gap
  24. speklolly02

    Didnt know that tbh

    Didnt know that tbh
  25. speklolly02

    something about the fact that You got community manager without doing any form of an application...

    something about the fact that You got community manager without doing any form of an application like you need to do for enforcer or helper you know
  26. speklolly02

    oh boring, then a staff member prob deleted it

    oh boring, then a staff member prob deleted it
  27. speklolly02

    I posted something about ur promotion but got deleted so I asked if you deleted it

    I posted something about ur promotion but got deleted so I asked if you deleted it