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  1. Charles Marston

    Introducing Blackdown

    Welcome to Perpheads.
  2. Charles Marston

    Logos, Banners and Random Stuff

    This is some really good stuff, Menta.
  3. Charles Marston

    Rephrase of rule 5.5

    Yeah, I agree with this as I've always thought that rule was a bit confusing.
  4. Charles Marston


    I agree with Mikey. Get a G930. You wont be disappointed.
  5. Charles Marston

    Ban requesrt: jack flagg

    It's reasonable of him to want to use his firearm when raiding as they were clearly outnumbered judging from the size of the building and the amount of cars parked outside.
  6. Charles Marston

    vip time

    What's the point of this?
  7. Charles Marston

    Introduction, New on PERPHEADS

    Welcome to the community. I hope you'll enjoy your stay.
  8. Charles Marston

    These pools sure are creepy

    I don't feel too comfortable when bathing in my backyard pool in the suburbs. I guess the pool likes what it sees.
  9. Charles Marston

    Shenanigans on the farm

    This is what happens when enforcers get bored while waiting for the paintball game to start.
  10. Charles Marston

    Ski masks

    I agree with Flagg. This sounds like a good idea provided that everyone follows the rules +support
  11. Charles Marston

    Jack Ojala

    Use the template.
  12. Charles Marston

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to Perpheads. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  13. Charles Marston

    Removing the hand from my face.

    I've gotten used to it after a while, but I still think it should be removed, because it can be annoying at times. +support
  14. Charles Marston

    Hey , Im Tbone

    Welcome to Perpheads, Tbone. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  15. Charles Marston

    More game spaces

    I agree with this. When Paralake comes out, they will need to expand the amount of players because otherwise the map will probably be a little too big for it's own best, because you would see other players less frequently. I think increasing the amount of players to, for example 75, would...
  16. Charles Marston


    It would be a cool feature, but not very beneficial. It would require a massive amount of time that could be spent on something more important. -support on this one.
  17. Charles Marston

    The Arrival of Lexo

    Welcome to the community. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  18. Charles Marston

    Hey look, it's Ind

    I'm not sure if I want to click it. The URL seems fishy :)
  19. Charles Marston

    More Realistic Drug Dealing.

    Sounds like a good idea. +support
  20. Charles Marston

    Derby [Event Video]

    I hope there will be more events in the future. Anyway, nice work, Menta.
  21. Charles Marston

    Hello, everyone!

    Welcome to the server. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  22. Charles Marston

    Our police force in game.

    Perfectly sums it up.
  23. Charles Marston

    Jonathan Lyons ban request

  24. Charles Marston

    More options for managing your organization

    Hmm, people seem to think this is a good idea. I would like to know what the owners think, and whether or not this would be hard to implement.
  25. Charles Marston

    More options for managing your organization

    Recently I decided to create my own organization, which now has quite a few members, however,I think there should be more options for managing it all. Instead of just having a long list of members, for example, I think the leader should be able to divide the organization into different ranks. In...
  26. Charles Marston

    Citizens off the road

    I think that first of all, you need to have cheaper and more centralized buildings and apartments because as of now, people don't bother going all the way to the suburbs, just to go to their house. Second of all, there need to be more things to do in your house. Right now there isn't much to do...
  27. Charles Marston

    [Idea] Chat.

    I don't think would add much to the forum in general.
  28. Charles Marston


    I've heard that in Paralake the nights will be darker, so that headlights are actually useful.
  29. Charles Marston

    Lemon Here

    Welcome to the community!
  30. Charles Marston


    I don't think this would be worth adding, as it is quite pointless in my opinion. They should instead focus on fixing bugs and improving the mod itself.