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  1. Ash

    I'm Back

    Well I guess it's good to see you come back and like always I hope you enjoy playing here. ;P
  2. Ash

    Yassen - Breaking 3.4

    Firstly, why would you attempt to mug someone in such an area? It's public and breaking 5.1 and 6.3. Secondly -as many have stated- you broke 3.24 by saying that he broke 3.4 IC'ly which then would also be breaking the Roleplay. You need to upload a demo of the incident, not a picture.
  3. Ash


  4. Ash


  5. Ash

    Rentano-Kun introduction!

    Welcome to the community, i hope you have fun in whatever you do and make sure you read the rules. :P
  6. Ash

    Police Badge for SS

    Firstly, it would be appreciated if you used the correct forum template which can be found here. Secondly, by giving SECRET service badges would mean the job is pretty useless, the whole point of them is to be secret where people don't know that it's them. Like others have stated @StephenPuffs...
  7. Ash

    Police Tazer Weapon

    The thing is with this is that it gets abused by everyone, use your nightstick or gunpoint them if really needed, i don't see the need for it. If it was added then i'm guessing it would be for whitelisted people ie Sergeants and the Lieutenant. If the tazer was for whitelisted people then i...
  8. Ash

    Forum Shoutbox Ban

    You'll most likely be unbanned once Swiper feels that you're not going to do what you did again. If you apologize for your actions either in teamspeak, private inbox or on steam then that's a way you may get unbanned.
  9. Ash

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  10. Ash

    Hello, I am James!

    Hello James, i hope to see you in-game and welcome to the community and have fun! Make sure you read the rules, which can be found here.
  11. Ash


    After roleplaying today with Ayjay, i see that Ayjay can control a police force really well which consists of several raids and police officers getting demoted. I think that Ayjay's roleplay is funny yet serious at the same time. You can ask anyone today, we have raided like 10 houses, arrested...
  12. Ash

    NPC missions for delivery driver

    If the Delivery man only has one SWEP for both deliveries, how would that work? If an AI mission came in and another Player delivery came in, how would it work. Would they have a choice between them? Who would you give the package to? The NPC's or would there be new NPCs located who call you to...
  13. Ash

    Improve the fire station

    Could you expand on this, if they went to sleep wouldn't it change to day/night for them but for others it would be the opposite?
  14. Ash

    The Greek Empire Applications

    User has been banned for 2 weeks, people have requested this to be closed until he returns.
  15. Ash

    The Greek Empire

    User has been banned for 2 weeks, people have requested this to be closed until he returns.
  16. Ash

    The Greek Empire

    Well seems that @Johny-Quid$$$ attempted to shoot me down yesterday, which then led to him being gunned down. Looks like your organization isn't the best at shooting or at thinking about a logical plan. Your organization killed a police force once, we killed them 4 times today whilst all had...
  17. Ash

    The Montreal Family

    Announcement: Promotions/Demotions/New Databases/Killing As from today (13/02/2015), Daymon and other leadership members are looking for capable and possible Underboss', capos and more. They will look at several aspects of the candidates, if you feel that you're ready to take on a roll, contact...
  18. Ash

    Ban Request on multiple SWAT Officers.

    You need to expand on this, you need to be accurate when making ban requests. Under the law officers/SWAT must do anything can they to ensure the safety of the hostage, however this doesn't mean if the hostage gets killed you can blame it all on them. Under some circumstances, SWAT/Officers may...
  19. Ash

    Vehicle selfie thread

    This is what mine looks like in-game. Top Speed: 85MPH (Faster than Aaron haha) Color: Red Price: $480,000 Paint: Standard Red Currently
  20. Ash

    Ash, Daymon and the entire SWAT Team

    Yeah it was a brilliant RP situation to be fair :P
  21. Ash

    ARitz Cracker Banking

    There is no problem with the ATM's at the moment, i think this addon is to DarkRP-ish. Hacking ATM's i think would be horrendous. I do believe that the ATM's could have a little change to them yet there is no absolute need for them at all. This addon would make the server look like it's a PERP...
  22. Ash


    Well firstly, if your gave crashes the drugs should go back to your storage and normally you don't get refunded for client side crashes; However you do get refunded for server side crashes.
  23. Ash

    The Montreal Family

    After some time of disbanding this organization and joining another i finally saw what pathetic idea it was to leave and disband this organization; Therefore this organization is back, and we're going to get bigger and bigger everyday. Afters some time of working hard we have gathered 8 total...
  24. Ash

    AyJay cooldown/warning request

    The user has been banned from the forums for the amount of previous warning points gathered by the user. As you could see from the previous post, he has been banned for that. Meaning, this is going to be closed due to the fact of him being banned.
  25. Ash


    Cya @Ben Lockwood, from my past experiences with you either IC or OOC'ly you were always a kind and supportive person. :D I remember when you took me on some reports as a Good Administrator as you were. Hope you the best in the future :P
  26. Ash


    Hey, welcome to PERP heads! I hope you enjoy your stay and there is a Guide section if you need any help. ;D
  27. Ash

    Change to 4.1

    I agree with the majority of the post, however to continue going on strike over a unreasonable amount of pay i think wouldn't suit it. In addition, the rule 4.3 states all Government employees must preform their duties to the best of their abilities, furthermore if they're being payed and still...
  28. Ash

    Firefighter Job/Vehicle Suggestions

    I wouldn't see the need for this as not many buildings have open roofs or open windows; They are all closed meaning you wouldn't be able to put a fire out with them. In addition to Manner, I also agree because the Physics may not be able to maintain it. -Support.
  29. Ash


    Welcome to PerpHeads, from the staff team we hope you enjoy your stay at our server. If you're unsure on something or simply confused about anything check our guide section. :P
  30. Ash

    The Montreal Family Applications

    After some time of disbanding this organization and joining another i finally saw what pathetic idea it was to leave and disband this organization; Therefore this organization is back, and we're going to get bigger and bigger everyday. Afters some time of working hard we have gathered 8 total...