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  1. Sonzy


    same age as me btw
  2. Sonzy

    now ur unbanned can u stop ur suicide jokes thanks

    now ur unbanned can u stop ur suicide jokes thanks
  3. Sonzy

    Update Log - 10/03/2018

    i long thought the drug system was outdated, now just add some carrots and cabbage and we cool
  4. Sonzy

    Shrekage #6

    god damn, exactly the same as the other 6, thx for the lullaby.
  5. Sonzy

    Billy wake up PepeHands

    Billy wake up PepeHands
  6. Sonzy

    have u ever seen a ban like that? damn right no

    have u ever seen a ban like that? damn right no
  7. Sonzy

    Oh well......

    last time i commented on ur goodbye thread i got banned for 2 weeks so sayonara
  8. Sonzy

    Im shit at editing #1

    finally someone understands each clip doesn't need to be a 5 min lets play and that lazily syncing to the beat is not hard bless a 12 year old did it better than most, overall 2/10 if u hadnt tagged ppl like its a zarp goodbye thread then u would have gotten 3
  9. Sonzy

    Ugandan Commando Applications

  10. Sonzy

    Ugandan Commando Applications

    it never closed the staff are just - iq where is the comment function in this dumb forum
  11. Sonzy

    My steam curator review group!

    i mean whats the point if ur not doing anything special, ur reviews look like every other american sat in their car but whatever floats ur boat. I'd suggest if u made this seriously u shouldn't give a game like pubg 10/10 when there's a million problems with it (not beta btw)
  12. Sonzy

    PERPHeads Montage #4

    i sweater did it better than u smh
  13. Sonzy

    Bored, need some games

    or or
  14. Sonzy


    if u play fornite u have -2 iq, NBA dead game what more can i say clearly xbox is lacking (ps4 is better fyi)
  15. Sonzy

    Im a Sweater that has aim and Knowledge.

    tbh u did it better than everyone who's been doing this for years with perp as their life apart from the aspect ratio and weird cuts good shit
  16. Sonzy

    W A S T E D

    atleast u only wasted 14 seconds of my time not 3 mins like everyone else good job
  17. Sonzy

    Rogue Legacy

    if u like it, it's terrible. Play wow more or i'll hack u
  18. Sonzy

    What Background do you use?

    why not post an update, hope someone sees how fkn messy it is and hates it
  19. Sonzy


    i like being a midget monk, if anyone plays with us beware that exrobite is a shit healer and might as well not put a role since he doesnt do any of the above
  20. Sonzy

    Imorgless Applications

    OOC Info:- Steam Name:- Sonzy OOC Age:- 17 Playtime:- 3 months Gender:- Neko loli In-game Info:- Name: Jack Kanof Rifle Marksmanship:- 100 Firearms level:- 100 Worth of the guns in your storage:- 100 Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 10 How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 100 What...
  21. Sonzy

    Childhood Anime

    if u watched anime at younger than 13 im very concerned for how bad ur childhood was the first show i watched was good ol Highschool dxd, first one i actually finished tho was SAO.
  22. Sonzy

    inactivity - sorrya

    honestly i hope u will just leave forever and take ur shit boat with u
  23. Sonzy


    @Void excuse me the name wang chang is taken if u proceed to use copyrighted content i will be filing a lawsuit
  24. Sonzy

    Cody Garret

    i agree mass rdm is not a fun way to go out its just for ppl who are so addicted to perp they have to be banned to stop playing real g's go out as either rc, medic or fire dpt by running police over or just proppushing
  25. Sonzy

    Captain Wylde's top 8 best weapons for defending!

    lol u say ur bad at aiming then why isnt something like the Benelli at the top u legit dont have to aim with the thing, just hold a close angle in a base and watch out for nades
  26. Sonzy


    u were ok, shame u took it seriously should stick 2 casual
  27. Sonzy

    thx its me a few months ago

    thx its me a few months ago
  28. Sonzy

    Fuck your Mother Hündin lernen, wie man Grammatik es ist "du bist" nicht youre dummes Kind

    Fuck your Mother Hündin lernen, wie man Grammatik es ist "du bist" nicht youre dummes Kind
  29. Sonzy

    John Daymon "apology" rap

    i can't hear ur bars over the lisp can u turn it down pls thanks
  30. Sonzy

    DUDE WHERES MY SELFIE GONE GIVE IT BACK no worries i save all pictures of u too my pc friend u...

    DUDE WHERES MY SELFIE GONE GIVE IT BACK no worries i save all pictures of u too my pc friend u will never be lost @Creepong