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  1. Illuminathan

    "Perkele" - The Guide

    Denmark vittu Finland
  2. Illuminathan


  3. Illuminathan

    Happy birthday bud!!

    Happy birthday bud!!
  4. Illuminathan

    Happy birthday!!

    Happy birthday!!
  5. Illuminathan

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    Who wants to charge someone from a Gmod
  6. Illuminathan

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    Fun fact; the server is not from US, but from Germany.
  7. Illuminathan

    Happy bday

    Happy bday
  8. Illuminathan

    Happy bday bud

    Happy bday bud
  9. Illuminathan

    Happy bday fitta

    Happy bday fitta
  10. Illuminathan

    Nuestra Familia Applications.

    -OOC Info- Steam name: Illuminathan #FreeShokron Age: 15 Playtime: 1m 20d How active are you?: 2-3 days a week -IC Info- In game name: Jasper Croft What cars do you have?: Used to have a Cevrolette GSC, fully upgraded but sold it for meme cars Previous orgs: GSE, Paralake Partnership...
  11. Illuminathan

    mr bobov at it again

    What did it benefit hitting him if you could also walk away?
  12. Illuminathan


    Cheaters can't get unbanned but if I dox ur pc I have chance of appeal. Should'nt doxing be perma as well as cheating?
  13. Illuminathan

    Update Log - 10/05/2018

  14. Illuminathan

    VOTE! Unbanning outstanding members of the community

    @Husky sorry gonna dox you cause cya in 1 year when im unbanned
  15. Illuminathan

    Husky’s online ego

    What happens if I call the number
  16. Illuminathan

    Toxic man alert

  17. Illuminathan

    HQ Trivia

    Do you have to do something cause I would sure like to get £550 for answering questions
  18. Illuminathan

    TFU - still has head armour?

    You choose to be criminal, you pay the price of the outcome
  19. Illuminathan

    TFU - still has head armour?

    Do you ever see a highly trained, armed and experienced tactical unit go into a building with people that have military grade weapons, 15 mags, grenades, supercars and 20 rimlickers to help without their head armor? TFU have limited gear in intense situations; 2 flashbangs, a primary and a...
  20. Illuminathan

    Happy birthday my friend!

    Happy birthday my friend!
  21. Illuminathan

    Update Log - 08/05/2018

    Finally a Katana I can minge around with
  22. Illuminathan

    Yeah thanks for it bro

    Yeah thanks for it bro
  23. Illuminathan


    What happened last time I let some israeli people fix my ts?
  24. Illuminathan


    Who wants OP on my mc server
  25. Illuminathan


    Only moderator is @Fintuss, no one else
  26. Illuminathan


    It has come to my attention YOU ARE RUINING MY THREAD
  27. Illuminathan


    Wtf is that
  28. Illuminathan


  29. Illuminathan


    Super Denied