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  1. Kimi

    A resignation and a (hopefully temporary) goodbye

    Although I wasn't close friends with you, I remember you being friendly and kind staff member, rper and CoD. I'm sad to see you go and hope your personal issues clear up soon. ( and maybe even see you come back C: )
  2. Kimi

    Radio stations and broadcasts

    Hey sorry cool idea, probably going to never be used but you should probably make it a suggestion?
  3. Kimi

    Server Suggestion Add Location info for Roadcrew

    What you're suggesting isn't really "already there". The /rc or roadcrew radio system is chat based whereas the 911 system is not. I don't really understand where you would plan on putting the location. The chat system already works fine as the whole point is "/rc (what you need done)...
  4. Kimi

    Server Suggestion Add Location info for Roadcrew

    Not really sure how this would work as where would the chat message put the location? Also if you're unsure of the location (which they're meant to provide in /rc btw or over the phone) simply ring them using the number in the /rc channel and ask for further information. Or if they call the 565...
  5. Kimi

    Model Suggestion ACOG With top mounted red dot.

    I understand what you’re saying with the fact it takes up more screen space but I think saving like 3 seconds to swap sights and losing a bit of screen space is not an even trade. Furthermore this might just be my opinion but considering both TFU and seasoned players will have access to and be...
  6. Kimi

    Model Suggestion ACOG With top mounted red dot.

    I like this idea but also the only current downsides of acog are the iron sight and the cost. So removing the whole iron sight would make the only disadvantage the cost. I like the idea but realistically with balancing I don’t see it working well.
  7. Kimi

    Server Suggestion Normal glasses (normal lenses)

    Would really love to see this idea in game. Never really understood why this wasn't already a feature.
  8. Kimi

    Action Request (Tommy Williamson Haris rameo)

    Hey, Sorry I just double checked and it does not seem I have any evidence of this, just kind of wanted to say the roadcrew was being pretty questionable in his actions and overall being insufferable and impossible to deal with.
  9. Kimi

    Action Request (Tommy Williamson Haris rameo)

    Not directly involved but I am in the clip. This rc was basically just trolling from my POV. As seen in the clips he refused under gp twice to unclamp the car. (which by the way pulled up behind the roadcrew to ask for a repair and the roadcrew ignored them and clamped their car) This rc also...
  10. Kimi


    Happy to have died in a Thorgal montage Timestamp: 0:33
  11. Kimi

    Harsher interpretation of 3.4

    I mean I haven't been in the community long so I wouldn't really know but also as Bnjemann said... I only really report people when I have been RDM'd, a gun has been mingegrabbed or someone who I don't know walked into a shootout that caused me to die. I get what you mean by like being annoyed...
  12. Kimi

    Harsher interpretation of 3.4

    I don't really see what you want here. The staff team already punishes people who minge grab guns and people who walk into shootouts. I understand maybe harsher punishment on people watching shootouts. Still though this will always be an issue unless you want staff to constantly watch all...
  13. Kimi

    candy crush

    ^^^^^^^^ (play a good game like "Dress to Impress" on Roblox)
  14. Kimi

    I would say happy birthday but you're from Northern Ireland. (dirty UK citizen, reunite Ireland...

    I would say happy birthday but you're from Northern Ireland. (dirty UK citizen, reunite Ireland, UP THE RAAA!!!!)
  15. Kimi

    Server Suggestion Uber job

    Bad idea with no benefit. Literally just courier and taxi combined but with new cars.
  16. Kimi

    Random Crashes

    Not to state the obvious but also check the obvious things. Such as checking file integrity for gmod, checking your drivers are up to date and checking it isn’t some hardware issue like broken RAM or something.
  17. Kimi

    Community Spotlight - September 2024

    Happy to have made it in the community spotlight this month, thanks Tyla!
  18. Kimi

    doing for reward

    Good luck @or2709. Have fun!
  19. Kimi

    Server Suggestion allow the Volvo 242 Turbo to have more engine upgrades

    This overall is a pretty bad suggestion as if the volvo (a bad car) should have more than 2 upgrades to compete with good cars, by this logic all "bad" cars should have more than 2 and who will differenciate between a good and bad car. Also just because a car is cool doesn't mean it should be as...
  20. Kimi

    Server Suggestion Buddy Permission's Change

    Yeah sorry if I explained it badly but that was the alley I meant/was talking about. Also even the building would be a good idea imo. (probably the alley as if it was in the building it would just be a copy of subs storage) However honestly I would be happy with either the npc or perms change.
  21. Kimi

    Server Suggestion Buddy Permission's Change

    Honestly this would probably be much better as firstly not everyone would be begging for storage, secondly anyone who owns a store wouldn’t have 300 people on their buddies permission list and finally I imagine it would be significantly easier to do. The only potential downside would be unlike...
  22. Kimi

    Server Suggestion Buddy Permission's Change

    Suggestion Title: Buddy Permission's Change Suggestion Description: Make the permission "Keys/Storage" 2 seperate permissions of 1: "Keys", 2: "Storage" Obviously with the "Keys" permission allowing people to open the door to any of your owned buildings and the "Storage" permission allowing...
  23. Kimi

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    I was affected by this but like beyond that this fairly well written out apology, was made pretty quick after the incident and also pretty suspisciously AI sounding... It is just my opinion though...
  24. Kimi

    Hello i just want to say hi and hope whoever reads this has a love time

    Hi, and I hope you have a lovely time too!
  25. Kimi

    Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

    This is cool and all but like so many people would get killed from just standing outside a property under the assumption they're a flanker. The way it is, is fine.
  26. Kimi

    Ban Apology (Bnjemann)

    Again, its Fern so obviously I'm involved. Shortly after the ban Jack reached out to me through discord not in an attempt to get me to post on his apology but to try work things out between us. He was very kind and I have forgiven him since this initial incident. I think he has learnt from this...
  27. Kimi

    Ban Apology (Aquaa) - "Execution" - Wilma, "Ok, I'm on it" - Adam 1.3 Slander Slander will not be tolerated within this community; the only time where accusations can be made against other members of the...
  28. Kimi

    Ban Apology (Aquaa)

    Involved, obviously because I'm Fern. Firstly the user not only killed me with his baton but A: Denied my supervisor sit because "Wilma is my supervisor" (the other PD member with OFFICER rank involved in the execution, I also understand this is a PD issue but eh.) and B: The officer also after...
  29. Kimi

    I cannot become police officer idk why

    Make a help desk ticket on asking for further assistance and explain to them your situation.
  30. Kimi

    I cannot become police officer idk why

    As Chris Flynn said try make sure you're all synced up with your Gmod account. Considering your name isn't even right possibly you didnt link it correctly and try make a helpdesk ticket to get in contact with someone more experienced with the website that we would be. Im sure they...