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  1. Skudist

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  2. Skudist

    tfw when you forgot to leave the TS3 server as PTO and went off for 6 hours...

    tfw when you forgot to leave the TS3 server as PTO and went off for 6 hours
  3. Skudist

    I've not actively taken a look at the people giving what ratings. Reading a few threads...

    I've not actively taken a look at the people giving what ratings. Reading a few threads regarding such things and taking a look who rated how.
  4. Skudist

    I've come to that conclusion after taking a look what you rate positively or negatively

    I've come to that conclusion after taking a look what you rate positively or negatively
  5. Skudist

    You hate others doing non-criminal things, don't you?

    You hate others doing non-criminal things, don't you?
  6. Skudist

    Refund Request M3 Super 90

    Your in-game name: Stefan Bachmeier Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79647838 What do you need refunded: M3 Super 90 (fully loaded) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: A user killed me for the reason "to get a gun" in a public setting. This reason was deemed invalid by me and the staff member dealing...
  7. Skudist

    Congrats to enforcer!

    Congrats to enforcer!
  8. Skudist


  9. Skudist

    Aww, no Bean Can candidate. However, congrats to mod!

    Aww, no Bean Can candidate. However, congrats to mod!
  10. Skudist

    Yes there is.

    Yes there is.
  11. Skudist

    Where exactly there?

    Where exactly there?
  12. Skudist

    Are you sure?

    Are you sure?
  13. Skudist

    Paint profile pictures.

    Do mine. Notes: Would love to see something communist/socialist, North-Korean or national-socialist in it.
  14. Skudist

    Congrats to promotion

    Congrats to promotion
  15. Skudist

    Congratulations to enforcer racoon guy!

    Congratulations to enforcer racoon guy!
  16. Skudist


  17. Skudist


  18. Skudist

    Congratulations Appricey!

    Congratulations Appricey!
  19. Skudist

    Now I know how you react towards dispatchers.

    Now I know how you react towards dispatchers.
  20. Skudist

    What is the meaning of this?

    What is the meaning of this?
  21. Skudist

    [SOLVED]Game crash

    This is a common "bug". How much GB RAM do you have on your PC? I would personally recommend at least 8 GB RAM and your PC should be 64-bit.
  22. Skudist I made it! I wasted 4.1 months on... I made it! I wasted 4.1 months on Garry's Mod.
  23. Skudist

    That's one way to say that you have never been raped in your life.

    That's one way to say that you have never been raped in your life.
  24. Skudist


    Just for the record, I was hunting animals which could've been a threat to our Republic.
  25. Skudist


    Welcome to the community! We are always there to help you if you have any questions.
  26. Skudist


    I would like to recommend TinySlayer for his amazing activity and good rule knowledge. He is mostly the moderator who responds to my reports and is very good at handling those.
  27. Skudist

    Unrealistic roleplay name?

    According to the rule 3.1 In-Character names, You are required to have a relatively common, realistic name in game. You also may not use the name of famous people. The staff member who forced to change your name believed that your name was unrealistic, uncommon or used by famous individuals...
  28. Skudist

    Happy Birthday my fellow nazi brother!

    Happy Birthday my fellow nazi brother!
  29. Skudist

    Your signature is lovely

    Your signature is lovely