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  1. captain

    Junior AKA Junior Mylle

    I have seen with officer before in-game, and this is a great officer. I would like to appreciate them as well.
  2. captain

    Change to 12.1 Jaywalking

    You don't get arrested for jaywalking. See, where I am from, you will get a ticket for the first time and if you continue to do it, the fine will be doubled, so on and so on. This reform is not needed.
  3. captain

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  4. captain

    Quad bike video

    I have a bike you might like, it's mine, don't really use it anymore, just bought it. I've outgrown it. ;)
  5. captain

    He might not refund you, but might give you VIP with evidence.

    He might not refund you, but might give you VIP with evidence.
  6. captain

    Photon | Great Roleplay

    @Photon, I would like to appreciate you on your excellent role-play as Senior Officer, you handle situations very nicely. I hope others can say you do too!
  7. captain

    Not an issue.

    Not an issue.
  8. captain

    Server Font

    Right now my ingame font is like Arial for cars and doors etc, I was wondering if there is a way to change the font.
  9. captain

    I'm sorry guys

    We love you too @MrLewis. No need for you to apologize!
  10. captain

    Cooking, why not?

    American Food does not look disgusting, it depends on what the american eats, and what the american makes. I would have to agree with you though, I am an American but a lot of our food makes me want to barf.
  11. captain

    Dumbass moment

    Might want to be careful in the future @DRift. Good story though.
  12. captain

    I read this comment.

    I read this comment.
  13. captain


    Welcome back Appricey, Can't wait to speak to you again in the teamspeak and ingame.
  14. captain

    What cars would you like to be added to Perp?

    What about all the soccer moms out there? Huh. How come you forget about them. ;( No I'm not kidding, this really should be added.
  15. captain

    READ: Mobile Phone Support (Comment Function)

    Mobile Phone Support (Comment Function) Many people have been replying to posts, when they can simply use the "comment" function. Most people reply and say: "I'm using my phone, there is no comment function". Well, that's not true! Follow these steps to access the comment function on your...
  16. captain

    Happy Birthday, I hope you have a good one!

    Happy Birthday, I hope you have a good one!
  17. captain

    Thw Wood Family Applications

    This organization has been disbanded, therefore all applications are closed. If any further applications are posted, they will be automatically denied.
  18. captain


  19. captain

    Follow your dreams, not matter how hard. You'll find it.

    Follow your dreams, not matter how hard. You'll find it.
  20. captain

    [GUIDE] How to be a successful roadcrew worker.

    ______________________________________________________________________________ About Roadcrew Workers Roadcrew workers are people that are here around Paralake to help you with your needs. They tow, repair, and boot vehicles. They tow vehicles when they are illegally parked, and when they are...
  21. captain

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  22. captain


    Even though I barely knew you, I sure do hope you come back to the community.
  23. captain

    The Wood Family

    This organization is now disbanded. No further applications shall be entered. If entered, they shall be denied. Disbanded By: Zeus Reason: The owner failed to run the organization, and decided to crash the organization by disbanding it. GodMother's Signature for Approval: Celia Hype
  24. captain

    Organization Emblems In-Game

    I totally agree with this suggestion. Adding Emblems into the game for our use, could make our role-play experience better. We would be able to put our JOB logo on our shirts. We could use them for just about anything!
  25. captain

    No problem.

    No problem.
  26. captain

    I can, but right now I am at my grandmothers. I can do it later?

    I can, but right now I am at my grandmothers. I can do it later?
  27. captain

    [SOLVED] How to fix some texture issues.

    HOW TO FIX MINOR TEXTURE ISSUES IN PERP If you are having texture issues, please follow the guide below. This will support guide will aim to help you fix the issues you have with your textures in PERP. I am not responsible if you do NOT follow this guide, if you type something else then it...
  28. captain


    Welcome back to the community, enjoy your stay once again.
  29. captain

    Addition to 12.4 Parking

    I'm going to have to fully support his addition. This law is taken advantage of all the time, and it does get my nerves. I sure do hope this law gets changed.
  30. captain


    Welcome @HaydenScofield, I hope you have a wonderful time here. I look forward to seeing you around.