Search results

  1. JJannui

    PerpHeads HACKED???!

    Just want to reinforce the whole 'don't use the same password'. I learnt this lesson very quickly as once my forum account was compromised, my sourcebans was very quickly compromised after... Sorry for that lmao. In all seriousness though, it is important to use different passwords :)
  2. JJannui

    BF4 #2

    Things seem to be all good now so let's go again lol Just a quick montage of my time on BF4 over the last week or so. Enjoy! @Walker @Creepis @Silent @Pusheen
  3. JJannui

    Wtf? Where's that even from??!?!

    Wtf? Where's that even from??!?!
  4. JJannui

    desert eagle

    Closed. Please follow the template that can be found here.
  5. JJannui

    desert eagle with silincer disapeard

    Closed. Please follow the template which can be found here.
  6. JJannui

    Battlefield 1

    My overall impression has been meh to be honest... It's okay but overhyped in my opinion! Also @HolyShititsDannyD has a lot to say about this game ;D xx
  7. JJannui

    Results Day

    GCSE: French - B Biology - A Chemistry - A Physics - A* DT - A English Lang. - B Englisht Lit. - B Geography - A* History - A* Maths - B R.E - A Meh... Wish I did better in Maths but I'll take what I got tbh..
  8. JJannui

    Linda is a bit..uh.

  9. JJannui

    So the rumors were true ;D

    So the rumors were true ;D
  10. JJannui

    Results Day

    13 days? Is that really it... This whole :hype: about this holiday and it's practically over :( Anyhow, I need 5 B's so should be A-OK. (I don't think I'm going to get in though)
  11. JJannui

    Best/favourite playstation 2 game

    Used to play this game to death....
  12. JJannui xxoxo <3 xxoxo <3
  13. JJannui

    Thank you :))!

    Thank you :))!
  14. JJannui

    Archi and Danny's singing (and a little part of me)

    Just want to clarify. High School Musical is a GREAT film trilogy! Nothing wrong with a bit of karaoke... Seriously though, you uploaded the outtakes right? Could've sworn I killed it in the real thing!
  15. JJannui

    Gabrilla: "When I was singing with you, I felt like just a girl." Troy: "You even look like one...

    Gabrilla: "When I was singing with you, I felt like just a girl." Troy: "You even look like one too!"
  16. JJannui

    Missing for 5 days...

    Finally a break from you jeez... Enjoy your holiday to boston camping <3
  17. JJannui

    Holibobs :)

    Holibobs :)
  18. JJannui


  19. JJannui

    Sorry... I'm so sorry :(

    Sorry... I'm so sorry :(
  20. JJannui

    If you're ever stuck in life, try some butter.

    If you're ever stuck in life, try some butter.
  21. JJannui


    //phone Where you been honey pot? You haven't been on TS for ages...
  22. JJannui


    Hello there, So in a couple of hours I'm heading down to Heathrow airport to start my holiday. See you in a week! Bye. Kind regards, Archi I really wish I had more to say...
  23. JJannui

    Refund request

    I can confirm that the quantity that would have been gained is: - Ten weed seeds - Two large pots / Ten small pots Due to the player being killed in the raid - The 38 drug packets should not be refunded
  24. JJannui


    Hello! Welcome to the community buddy and I hope you enjoy your time here :) Make sure to use /report and /help if you require any assistance when in game.
  25. JJannui

    The Bourne Family applications

    Thread Reopened.
  26. JJannui


    Thank you very much @*silenT . Really means a lot to see this! :)
  27. JJannui

    Paralake Road Works

    I'm not sure why, but I absolutely love the whole orange vest thing. It's literally just a vest but I would have never thought of making it a reflective vest! Very creative indeed and overall a great organisation from the looks of things! Honestly a great job. It does make me sad when I watch...
  28. JJannui

    Happy birthday babes!!! xoxooxx

    Happy birthday babes!!! xoxooxx
  29. JJannui

    Thank you!!!!!!!!11!!

    Thank you!!!!!!!!11!!
  30. JJannui

    Tehee, now I'm going to abuse you ;))

    Tehee, now I'm going to abuse you ;))