Search results

  1. Senlin

    Xquality's Dev Log

    This needs to be added.
  2. Senlin

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Not funny.
  3. Senlin

    I got problems with my Garrys mod

    I know how to fix it, I'll contact you on steam.
  4. Senlin

    Server Event 03/05/14 8pm GMT Saturday.

    We have to have a deathmatch, would be great ;).
  5. Senlin

    Ban request for blackdown/demote

    No matter what the time is, I feel everybody should go by the rules so it doesn't ruin the RP. Even with like 3 players on. Unless Blackdown had a reason, he shouldn't of done these actions.
  6. Senlin

    Snapchat names

    Already a post on this ;) ---->
  7. Senlin

    A Ban Request

    Yes but you have a new life. You would have no clue what happened.
  8. Senlin

    A Ban Request

    Just thought I should help SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56382763
  9. Senlin

    PhlyTrikx's Inactivity Notice

    Welcome back :D
  10. Senlin

    Guessing time. How the hell did i end up here

  11. Senlin

    Guessing time. How the hell did i end up here

    Since when did Fredy live in Poland?
  12. Senlin

    Rule 3.4 - By Toffelfabriken

    Yes, Ruby. It has got so popular every country in the world is playing it.
  13. Senlin

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Awesome entries everyone; good luck to you all!
  14. Senlin

    Refund Request Dominic Johnsen

    ​I find Fredy and Puffs on the forums on quite a lot; you should get a response soon. Anyway, good luck!
  15. Senlin

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    It's always nice to have a bit of humor ;)
  16. Senlin

    Weekly Server Events.

    Saturday is when most people can come on, so that's the best day.
  17. Senlin

    What do you think about mugging?

    I used to mug a lot but not as much anymore. I hate being mugged as you lose cash and items, so I think they would be in the same position. I want everyone to have fun, not lose their stuff!
  18. Senlin

    New stuff

    Excellent, great work!
  19. Senlin

    New Car Dealer

    As Alex said, its not needed.
  20. Senlin

    Hey People Of PH Im SS_DWRAF2135 :) XD

    Welcome to the community, I hope you have fun!
  21. Senlin

    ♣The Saints♣ Organization.

    Feel free to report the mugger(s) to me.
  22. Senlin


    Erm.... Uh... Because.. I'm poor?
  23. Senlin

    200th Post Celebration

  24. Senlin

    New Government Vehicles

    I mean we need a new one.
  25. Senlin

    New forum design?

    Very nice.
  26. Senlin

    Armenian Power (Repost) (A Bit Updated)

    ♣The Saints♣ wish to ally with you.
  27. Senlin

    New Government Vehicles

    The only thing I think we need is a new SWAT van.
  28. Senlin

    New Government Vehicles

    SGM has made this car, so it's possible
  29. Senlin

    The Belinsky Family

    ♣The Saints♣ also wish to ally with you.
  30. Senlin

    ♣The Saints♣ Organization.

    I would like to say thanks to everyone who participated in the organization. The org unfortunately DISBANDED