Search results

  1. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (ellie)

    But you're not actually apologising for anything. You're literally saying part of the ban reason is incorrect.
  2. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (ellie)

    no, I've edited your post
  3. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (ellie)

    Steam ID is incorrect. The correct one is STEAM_0:0:583419817
  4. KeiwaM

    Ban Dispute (Dog)

    A TFU officer sprints at you with a gun in their hand and proceeds to tell you several times to put your hands up. It is clear and evident from context in this situation that you are under gunpoint. Nowhere in the rule does it state you have to see the weapon pointed at you. If it's evident from...
  5. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (Keiwa)

    I was waiting for quite a while for you to come back to get your side of the story. But you didn't come back for quite a while. This does clear things up and I understand a crossfire-situation like this is possible. It's not what the player in-question experienced but it happens. I do however...
  6. KeiwaM

    Warning Dispute (Maia)

    You knew you were getting gunpointed and the UI is no excuse. You should have complied. Reviewed with @Ellie and @Racxes
  7. KeiwaM

    Warning Dispute (Maia)

    Since this is two different punishments, you need to specify which one you are disputing, as well as upload a form of evidence for us to review. You have 48 hours to submit evidence or this will be denied.
  8. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (Exnem)

    That is not the purpose of a ban appeal. Let me explain what you did wrong based ONLY on the rule, your ban and your explanation; 2.5 - The negativity is killing someone who is complying. Per our rules, it is not allowed, especially not with medics. 3.4 - You can get out of this alive and...
  9. KeiwaM

    Warning Dispute (Maia)

    I do not know what happened in regards to that. Perhaps @Maia can shed some light on that. However you were banned for two different situations. As you were banned and warned for two different situations and this is a dispute, you need to make up your mind if you think one of the two punishments...
  10. KeiwaM

    Warning Dispute (Maia)

    That's not how it works mate
  11. KeiwaM

    Action Request (Norman Beige)

    Norman Beige Norman Beige STEAM_0:0:28783129 Player exited Mendo (STEAM_0:0:148366271 | Citizen)'s Pagani Zonda C12 as driver 22. jan 2023 02:10:11 Norman Beige Norman Beige STEAM_0:0:28783129 Player wrecked a Pagani Zonda C12 owned by Mendo 22. jan 2023 02:10:04 Norman Beige Norman Beige...
  12. KeiwaM

    Server Suggestion Allow talking while Police Computer is open

    This is actually fairly annoying, people will hear my heavy neckbeard breathing and my clicky keyboard while I try to look up their perp with a long ass unreadable name
  13. KeiwaM

    Ban Dispute (maia)

    @trapboy1080p please specify, within 24 hours, if it is an apology or a dispute. If you wish to dispute, you will need evidence. If you wish to apologise, please reword it to an apology by editing the post.
  14. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (KeiwaM)

    ish Your ban will be lowered to 1 week. You have a record of particularly 3.4 and 3.20. Please make sure you keep these rules in mind in the future.
  15. KeiwaM

    Paralake Legal Academy

    sure but i'm still gonna give you 10y 10k if i feel like you're being annoying
  16. KeiwaM

    Ban Dispute (Super_)

    No evidence provided
  17. KeiwaM

    Action Request (tyler)

    @TylerReadman1 will receive a warning. The reasoning for the warning is that this was a split second decision, and while it was a rulebreak, this did not seem like it had malicious intent initially. The delay in verbal commands certainly didn't help the situation, it's fair to assume that you...
  18. KeiwaM

    Action Request (tyler)

    @TylerReadman1 please explain your actions
  19. KeiwaM

    Ban Dispute (Super_)

    You need to upload your demo, or this will be denied.
  20. KeiwaM

    Ban Dispute (Super_)

    Please upload a form of evidence for us to review.
  21. KeiwaM

    Ban Apology (keiwaM)

    This apology does not seem sincere to me. You are by no means a new player, the concept of rules 2.5 and 3.4 is not exactly new to you. Wait out your ban.
  22. KeiwaM

    Server Suggestion Inactive Property Check

    I like the idea. Despite what players might think, this task is something moderators will deal with 20 or so times in a single evening, if not more. It takes up a LOT of our time to go around and look through the shops, message their owners, wait for responses and be ignored. I however agree...
  23. KeiwaM

    !RIOTING! Storm the intersection they can't stop us all

    [PLPD] The PLPD are proud to announce that the insurrectionists has been jailed and in the case of the hicktown incident, unfortunately passed away. We all regret this loss but in the end... PLPD on top.
  24. KeiwaM

    [Law Proposal] 9.9 - Armed Robbery

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New What law do you wish to add: 9.9 - Armed Robbery Any person who unlawfully steals or deprive another person's property or possession via the use or threat of physical harm with an offensive weapon are guilty of this crime. Felony - Liable to...
  25. KeiwaM

    Server Suggestion Bank Robbery warrant formatted correctly

    I agree with this. There should be added an additional law under Section 9: Violent Crime named "Armed Robbery"
  26. KeiwaM

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    They've been pinged several times. They will respond to the appeal next time they are available on the forums
  27. KeiwaM

    Ban Dispute (KeiwaM)

    Hey, you're gonna need to upload a form of evidence if you are intending to dispute this, so the disputing staff can see the situation, as I won't be present.
  28. KeiwaM

    Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

    Cinema is a service, honestly I wouldn't even imagine the definition of a "service" would be what people don't get. I mean if you return it's not an issue? I also never imagined this would be insta-sell, I'd imagine staff would handle it more like they do now and make a report. Issue is...
  29. KeiwaM

    Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

    Suggestion Topic: New Rule Suggestion Description: A lot of us know the feeling of wanting to purchase a shop in Bazaar, only for all bazaar shops to be sold and half the stores just having a piece of paper towels on display to "avoid losing it". Staff will, of course, still go around this and...
  30. KeiwaM

    Ban Dispute (Super_)

    It was red, the logs says H-uncon. That means you're unconscious. Red screen.