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  1. BillySavery

    A Couple Of Suggestions.

    Hey Guys, I got multiple, ideas and suggestions so I am going to throw them all into one post. (1) Topic: Clock Ticking Noise Short explanation (in notes): -The current clock ticking sound is way too loud - It needs to be quietened down to stop metagamers - Detailed description (why should...
  2. BillySavery

    BR On Viktor Belinsky

    That video is dumb as fuck. In the demo you are moving your character into positions where he wasn't actually looking. For instance that scene at storage when Viktor shot you, you wasn't facing him, you was facing me. I will edit an actual defence when you post a proper BR.
  3. BillySavery

    Ban request on Xhantium

    Literally been unbanned like 3 days ago if that.....+ Support, clear breakage of NLR.
  4. BillySavery

    Ban Request Viktor Belinsky

    You do realise if the PD is after you, you don't have to take NPC's into consideration. In this case it just seems that you got banged and have taken it to the forums, in Viktor's defence it seems that he was adhering to rule 3.6.
  5. BillySavery


  6. BillySavery

    20 Minutes of Free Time.

    I always wondered where you guys went. I miss the Bishop brothers I wonder where they went, I said this to Harold Bloom about a week ago. You was always a funny little character.
  7. BillySavery

    What am I doing wrong?

    What do you mean don't say a lack of intelligence? Everything you say on the forums is because of a lack of intelligence or thought. People don't hate you, they are just seriously annoyed with what you say because you don't think.
  8. BillySavery

    Crafting Queue

    Anything to make the crafting system resemble V1's system is a good idea. +Support Edit: I don't care how long it takes to craft something, it is just the interaction involved I hate.
  9. BillySavery

    The Harpers.

    Riperino Predicterino
  10. BillySavery

    Server's Opinion - Full Restart

    When have you ever had 1.2 mil you trunk pikey? I disagree with this post as I have put 400 hours into the server and I have come a long way from when I was a freshie and it isn't something I would like to reset.
  11. BillySavery

    My birthday

  12. BillySavery

    Ban Request: Xhantium Harper

    Can we just hurry up and ban this minge... +Support
  13. BillySavery

    (RDM) Ban Request

    I really do hope he gets banned for a long period of time.
  14. BillySavery

    (RDM) Ban Request

    I bet you a perma ban you will be back soon. Bye
  15. BillySavery

    (RDM) Ban Request

    Wait, Wait, you don't know me? But you know I hate Robin?? I never expressed any hate for Robin at all. Robin is irrelevant to this BR? What does that whole sentence even mean? Also no one is "hating" you, we are all players of this server so therefore we are allowed to voice our opinions.
  16. BillySavery

    (RDM) Ban Request

    Correct me if I am wrong but there is absolutely no breakage of rule 2.3 there? Possible the most ridiculous brick wall of writing I have ever read. In fact it actually looks like a breakage of rule 2.5, Excessive negativity. It seems to me that Nova, didn't actually break any rules at all...
  17. BillySavery

    Did you or Moron happen to get any footage of me running over them 5 cops outside storage the...

    Did you or Moron happen to get any footage of me running over them 5 cops outside storage the other day?
  18. BillySavery

    The Harpers.

  19. BillySavery

    La Cosa Nostra

    You probably should have seen this coming since you can't trust Aaron with an M1911 without him running off with it.
  20. BillySavery

    Ban Request Luke Person/Luke

    Start shooting outside the PD is a breakage of 2.1 and 3.4 especially if there is swat. EDIT: it is 3.4 because I got warned and banned for doing the same thing.
  21. BillySavery

    Ban Request On Xhantium

    You don't know none of us are Belinsky's we have never told you. Also, I apologised for that misunderstanding because I didn't see your /me, I knew I was in the wrong and supplied you with the items I lost, least I know when I am in the wrong. The reason we fucked about that night is because the...
  22. BillySavery

    Ban Request Luke Person/Luke

    Don't forget City hall NPC's and the mayors office (If there was a mayor at the time) Nonetheless if he said to you "onion knees" then I am going to have to -Support this but if he didn't then +support. jk
  23. BillySavery

    Ban Request On Xhantium

    Yeah I am the same with Ermak on this, Xhantium is a little minge and doesn't know 3.4
  24. BillySavery

    Binoculars for SWAT!

    Or they can just go buy binoculars from the shop?
  25. BillySavery

    La Cosa Nostra

    Just to let you know, I will be "popping" over tonight with a couple of buddies to pick up my M4a1 that Evaric has been holding on to for me, for too long.
  26. BillySavery

    Swiper no Swiping

    Swiper no Swiping
  27. BillySavery

    Swiper no Swiping

    Swiper no Swiping
  28. BillySavery

    Swiper no swiping

    Swiper no swiping
  29. BillySavery

    Why is Cola Cubes on your wishlist?

    Why is Cola Cubes on your wishlist?