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  1. R-Flex

    [Suggestion] 3.5 New Life Rule

    well its against the rules
  2. R-Flex

    [Suggestion] 3.5 New Life Rule

    Well this also means that when cops respawn they can gain information of shooters in their nlr timer and if all cops die , those with nlr can literally return back after their nlr since they know a shootout is taking place.
  3. R-Flex

    Overwatch Giveaway

    Ey i want this. Thanks
  4. R-Flex

    Increase NLR for Officers

    Only if you are raiding a property.
  5. R-Flex

    Increase NLR for Officers

    This isnt true. Although i have heavily played tfu the past weeks since there is nothing else for me left to do on the server, i have played as a criminal for a good amount of time in the past.
  6. R-Flex

    The use a remington then ? xD

    The use a remington then ? xD
  7. R-Flex

    Most cops have berettas and remis while you run around with 10 people with aks

    Most cops have berettas and remis while you run around with 10 people with aks
  8. R-Flex

    Increase NLR for Officers

    Isnt 10 minutes enough?
  9. R-Flex

    $2000 - Accepted IA Complaint

    Please note that the collective value of the items you lost must exceed $5000 for the refund request to be considered.
  10. R-Flex

    Update Log - 26/09/2018

    Thanks , hadnt seen that : )
  11. R-Flex

    Update Log - 26/09/2018

    Yes but since there is no policy stating i cant give my normal equipment to other officers cant i just spawn a car and let em have my shotgun?
  12. R-Flex

    Update Log - 26/09/2018

    Does this mean that every officer can have a shotgun?
  13. R-Flex

    Bank Robbery Suggestion

    Either way if they are gonna add this they should make it so you can only rob it with 30-35+ players on
  14. R-Flex

    Bank Robbery Suggestion

    This is in place so a group of people dont just go in the morning and do bank raids all day. Basically with a group of 6 you can have 4 go cops and the 2 raid the bank , then have the another 2 do another 1 while 4 others are cops etc. I would only like this if bank robberies could only happen...
  15. R-Flex

    Faith's Tragic Faith

  16. R-Flex

    500K+VIP Giveaway - Ended STEAM_0:1:83551931 Thanks
  17. R-Flex

    the idea that will revive perp

    Its not all about you though , do you even take into consideration the time that staff will have to spend to look into 20 weekly demos of each cheater? Its just not possible. Not to mention you have been banned for 2 months now
  18. R-Flex

    the idea that will revive perp

    Wouldnt anyone say this if they were to get unbanned?
  19. R-Flex

    the idea that will revive perp

    Although it would help the server out abit by unbanning more people, it will also make the time staff have spent to catch em feel like a waste as well as more time having to be put it to catch the same cheaters again. The reason most people cheat is because they dont care about the server so why...
  20. R-Flex

    Decrease the car speed difference.

    Instead we could revamp the whole car upgrade system to specific part upgrades such as engine , brakes , Wheels etc and give the ability for players to put 1-2 mil engines in low cost vehicles making them extremely fast. Some of the low tier vehicles on the server look pretty good and i would...
  21. R-Flex

    Server Events: 8th & 9th September

    Hmmm attend tfu training or this?
  22. R-Flex

    AR on R-flex

    How is me confiscating your firearm risking my life? I confiscated it because i wasnt able to keep an eye on the firearm.
  23. R-Flex

    3 Month VIP Giveaway!!!

    R-Flex STEAM_1:1:83551931 Thanks for the giveaway
  24. R-Flex


    Xiaomi Redmi Note 5
  25. R-Flex

    Watch KSI vs Logan Paul for free

    Rip you gonna lose that 120
  26. R-Flex

    TeamSpeak doing a giveaway

    Because it doesnt cost him anything?
  27. R-Flex

    TeamSpeak doing a giveaway

    Why not
  28. R-Flex

    blue screen

    Here is what it means and a possible fix
  29. R-Flex

    Update Log - 16/08/2018

    Queue only shows what you are crafting at that time. Only 1 item can be placed at a time
  30. R-Flex


    man the bitrate is so low but still good montage