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  1. R-Flex

    556 Revert suggestion.

    I spend 1 million so i can spray at that distance. Its not that easy to get 1 mil.
  2. R-Flex

    Warrant Notification

    If something like this does get added the half sentence mentioned by the npc should also be acted upon.
  3. R-Flex

    [Suggestion] Joining a job to check if you're warranted or not

    Why is there another option saying "O crap" or something indicating that you can escape?
  4. R-Flex

    Add A New Law For Bank Robberies

    You gave 8k ticket and 8 years for traffic offences
  5. R-Flex

    556 Revert suggestion.

    With 100 Rifle Marksmanship. Not much of an improvement considering the amount of cash spent
  6. R-Flex

    556 Revert suggestion.

    I got 100 rifle marksmanship and its still shit
  7. R-Flex

    AR on Chase

    Doesnt matter of what the outcome was. You were under gun point how many screenshots do i need to prove it? Not only did you run but you also pulled out a firearm
  8. R-Flex

    AR on Chase

    No matter what you say you were under gun point. When i pulled my gun out you were still inside your vehicle. At this close range even if you run you wont escape and therefore put your life at risk.
  9. R-Flex

    Oldest steam account?

    You are 13 how is this possible
  10. R-Flex

    AR on Chase

    He saw me pull my gun out the reason why i didnt gun point him there was because i froze. Either way you should of never taken eyes off a guy that pulled a gun out. Just because he didnt see it doesnt mean i didnt perform the action. The other door was blocked so he couldnt of gotten out of there.
  11. R-Flex

    AR on Chase

    Your Steam/In-game Name: R-Flex | Pacho Muerta His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Chase | Chase Williams His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28963143 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Pulling a gun out under gun point with the excuse that he was "running". Would of been dead had i not froze. Evidence...
  12. R-Flex

    The "state" of perpheads

    wouldnt that make people want to team up more since police will be more powerful? :(
  13. R-Flex

    Police Force Player in Car Keybind/Menu

    Maybe an action bar as well which loads just like when equiping a bobby
  14. R-Flex

    The "state" of perpheads

    New content should bring the server back. We hadnt had a big update in months.
  15. R-Flex

    Bank robbery scale / balance

    You can only do a bank raid with 8 people.
  16. R-Flex

    Call directly from Messages.

    Main idea: Being able to call the person directly from a message Description: So if someone texts you give the ability for the person to make a direct call from the messenger app instead of having to go to the call app and type every number What i mean Pros: Adds a nice feature to the app...
  17. R-Flex

    La Camorrá - Applications

    -OOC Info- Steam name: R-Flex Age: 17 Playtime: almost 2 months How active are you?: Pretty active -IC Info- In game name: Pacho Muerta What cars do you have?: Cadillac 2x Upgraded , Porsche carrera gt 2x upgraded Previous organisations: Nuestra Marksmanship and Firearms level?: Rifle...
  18. R-Flex

    Office roof defence

    It might seem hard but if you manage to open the door its pretty easy to just run to the left, clean it and then just finish the rest.
  19. R-Flex

    Wearable Masks

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Wearable Masks Full description of the idea: Wearable masks that you can craft in-game and wear on / off and cover your face from others identifying you. Why should it be added?: Wearable masks such as black...
  20. R-Flex

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  21. R-Flex

    Police vs bats

    holy crap police so bad xD
  22. R-Flex

    What Background do you use?

  23. R-Flex

    Post-Unban Perpheads

    An old and well known player can easily make an org and get people in it creating competition.
  24. R-Flex

    Post-Unban Perpheads

    Not true. We almost never base anymore. Everyone is in 1 big org because there is no other orgs and no one even bothers making a decent 1.
  25. R-Flex

    Post-Unban Perpheads

    People dont play as criminals anymore. Why would they anyways you only waste cash , why not go cop and not lose anything. Everytime i come on i hardly find any bases and even at 20-25 players on i see 8/8 cops. People also keep getting banned for 3.4 for creating shootouts when " you can hide"...
  26. R-Flex

    hi im aquaa

    hello sir
  27. R-Flex

    RR @Hendricks

    Your in-game name: Damon Wraith Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:83551931 What do you need refunded: M4 Mag Stock Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Lost due to me dying right next of projex windows making my gun glitch rigth through the other side Evidence...
  28. R-Flex

    RR @Racxes

    Your in-game name: Damon Wraith Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:83551931 What do you need refunded: M9 Beretta , 9x19 silencer , pistol reflex 4 full mags 2 pistol ammo. Thats all i care about xD Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Got mugged in a public setting Evidence...
  29. R-Flex

    World Cup 2018 prediction thread

    Hah you sure you aint mixing the flag with germany's ? Cuz as far as i know Belgium is trash