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  1. Rhys :)

    Ni fyddant byth yn ei roi i mi.

    Ni fyddant byth yn ei roi i mi.
  2. Rhys :)

    Things you didn't like the idea of til you tried?

    my dads a mechanic so If something is wrong with my car I just give it to him and hell sort it out, saves me a hell of a lot of money too.
  3. Rhys :)

    Things you didn't like the idea of til you tried?

    A menthol is banging when off your tits.
  4. Rhys :)

    Things you didn't like the idea of til you tried?

    I was super against trying weed and Balloons, did weed I kinda liked it but I'm not too fussed on it, will probably do it like once in a few months or something, not my cup of tea. I tried balloons and they're really good, I've never done them whilst sober. I used to be really against...
  5. Rhys :)

    The general thread

  6. Rhys :)

    Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

    sounds like Brexit all over again.
  7. Rhys :)

    Rhys Beatboxing

    Aw thank you for giving me the opportunity <3
  8. Rhys :)

    Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

    @Creepis thats not nice
  9. Rhys :)

    Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

    TS is much better for permissions and is just more server handy compared to Discord, we did this on a previous community was apart of and it didn't go well, so we switched back to TS. In my opinion, TeamSpeak is just 100x easier.
  10. Rhys :)

    [SFM Poster] Light Gear

    very nice
  11. Rhys :)

    Crazy shit that happened at your school

    Fights a lot of the time and like 3 years ago a kid and a teacher started scrapping. Other than that we are normal. I can guarantee every American story has something to do with guns lmao.
  12. Rhys :)

    Where you see yourself in 10 years

    You can also have enoy and have a great life with kids.
  13. Rhys :)

    Where you see yourself in 10 years

    Hopefully either in my dream job which is a pilot, or starting up a company which will make me financially free. I think those 2 are my top priority, and once I have achieved this I would like to have started a family and so on. I wouldn't wish to bring up children whilst not earning a good salary.
  14. Rhys :)

    Where do you put your nail clippings???

    @Husky Coffee is for the real G's but Nails were always allowed to go down the shitter.
  15. Rhys :)

    What do you do with dead pets

  16. Rhys :)

    What do you do with dead pets

    Stuff it and then hang it up on my wall. Always with you then
  17. Rhys :)

    Where do you put your nail clippings???

    Prefer my belly button.
  18. Rhys :)

    Where do you put your nail clippings???

    Down the toilet.
  19. Rhys :)

    Work laptop

    I've currently got a MacBook Pro and its really good for doing school work and shit when I'm not at my PC. Do you have a specific Price range tho like up to £500, up to £1000 or £1000+?
  20. Rhys :)

    Dai's Goodbye

  21. Rhys :)

    Replace or Improve the Monorail

    I would like to see that being an automatic one such as the monorail but I think It will be pretty difficult to implement due to people driving on the road or where you plan on putting it. if It was a job, on the other hand, it will just turn out like the taxi job and courier, people will be...
  22. Rhys :)

    Replace or Improve the Monorail

    I think the monorail stations are a bit out of the way, I wouldn't mind seeing them moved to a different location in where you don't have to travel a mile to reach it from the city.
  23. Rhys :)

    Bojing's Montage

    not too bad but a few more shooting clips wouldn't be too bad lmao
  24. Rhys :)

    It Was A Pleasure..

    Gutted to see you leave the staff team man, you were a great mod, hopefully, you'll make another application in the near future.
  25. Rhys :)

    my first montage

    @ 0:43 you don’t understand how pissed off I got that I didn’t check the corner
  26. Rhys :)

    epilepsy montage

    why tf is it shaking so much lmao.
  27. Rhys :)

    What music y'all listen too?

    I'm more of a UK rap/drill type of person, most of u will probably despise this kind of music lmao. I occasionally listen to American rap but not that much. I've seen 3 out of the 4 artists Below live.
  28. Rhys :)

    There is many nice parts of wales thank you very much @Collier

    There is many nice parts of wales thank you very much @Collier
  29. Rhys :)

    Good Luck On Your Examinations

    I only had 2 A-Level exams and they were both Computer Science, I fucked them so basically Im gonna have to resit next the year which isn't going to be very fun. I'm actually jealous of the year 11's getting like 12 weeks off, it was the best summer of my life I would say, make the most of it...