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  1. Rhys :)

    Ive seen it also lmao

    Ive seen it also lmao
  2. Rhys :)

    Atomic, come and meet me again and well get drunk

    Atomic, come and meet me again and well get drunk
  3. Rhys :)

    That night was not good your mum munching on your kebab

    That night was not good your mum munching on your kebab
  4. Rhys :)

    What phone should I get

    I've got an iPhone Xs Max and is a very good phone. You should get it.
  5. Rhys :)

    What phone should I get

    I've got one and I'm not in this room :(
  6. Rhys :)

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    People love raiding but hate it when it goes against them, its just people being salty at the end of the day and because they lose about 20K plus, people hate this and start crying. You're enjoying yourselves and they're not because of this. Its just people being salty at the end of the day, if...
  7. Rhys :)

    Best rice?

    @Sorle @curak im guessing you two don’t understand the joke???
  8. Rhys :)

    Best rice?

    I had paella when I was in Marjorca one time and liked it but my favourite is the golden uncle bens egg fried rice.
  9. Rhys :)

    Happy birthday daddy have a lovely day xx

    Happy birthday daddy have a lovely day xx
  10. Rhys :)

    do you go to the doctor when you are in a near death situation

    you got to the hospital pal, the doctors will probably tell you, you have a cold when your leg is falling off or something
  11. Rhys :)

    do you refrigerate your eggs

    You freeze milk be quiet.
  12. Rhys :)

    Pineapple on pizza

    I bath with my dad and I don't eat pineapple on Pizza?
  13. Rhys :)

    Pineapple on pizza

    I like pineapple but when it warm on pizza it’s disgusting that’s the reason why I don’t like it.
  14. Rhys :)

    Happy Birthday, babes, hope you have a fantastic day, love Rhys!

    Happy Birthday, babes, hope you have a fantastic day, love Rhys!
  15. Rhys :)

    No problem.

    No problem.
  16. Rhys :)

    UK 11, how much?

    UK 11, how much?
  17. Rhys :)

    Blue tint or Zebras I like them both but prefer blue tint

    Blue tint or Zebras I like them both but prefer blue tint
  18. Rhys :)

    350 boost V2 Shut up Inchs

    350 boost V2 Shut up Inchs
  19. Rhys :)

    ah yeah marshallah brother, alhamdulillah

    ah yeah marshallah brother, alhamdulillah
  20. Rhys :)

    Jheez where thoze anime tiddies at?

    Jheez where thoze anime tiddies at?
  21. Rhys :)

    Dai's Goodbye

  22. Rhys :)

    I’m back on the forums at least

    at least its a start pal.
  23. Rhys :)

    grat with a Z

    grat with a Z
  24. Rhys :)

    Happy Birthday Black Jesus, much love to you my son <3

    Happy Birthday Black Jesus, much love to you my son <3
  25. Rhys :)

    Show me your dog

  26. Rhys :)

    Show me your dog

    He looks fake lmao
  27. Rhys :)

    Show me your dog

    Bailey (Golden) Ted (Black) (Or B Nip and T nip)
  28. Rhys :)

    La Camorrá Applications

    -OOC Info- Steam name: Rhys / GS_3 Age: 17 Playtime: 1 month 4 days How active are you?: Havent has been active for that long but im starting to play PERP again -IC Info- In game name: Rhys Rodriguez What cars do you have?: Audi RS4 Previous organisations: Too many to list Marksmanship...
  29. Rhys :)

    Why I think Perpheads is not dying.

    I froze milk before and it tasted like shit once it was defrosted.
  30. Rhys :)

    My Resignation

    Later buddy :)