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  1. Yaseen

    Bid for Christmas Tree

    what is this game ? look nice
  2. Yaseen

    I need to get a punching bag

    imagine playing fortnite
  3. Yaseen

    EfT (Escape from Tarkov) Names

    yea i have noticed it , what is EoT ? xD
  4. Yaseen

    EfT (Escape from Tarkov) Names

  5. Yaseen


    fucking about time , perpheads is saved
  6. Yaseen

    yea i know you would do it

    yea i know you would do it
  7. Yaseen

    Escape From Tarkov Upgrade

    sossa , I've tried but my father used to buy on eBay and his visa got stolen multi times and he doesn't want me to buy by it
  8. Yaseen

    Escape From Tarkov Upgrade

    because BSG is not answering
  9. Yaseen

    Escape From Tarkov Upgrade

    EDIT: I sorted it out with xsolla and they have issued the refund but will take 1-10 days, is there a way I can make it fast so I can buy it with the 25% discount?
  10. Yaseen

    Escape From Tarkov Upgrade

    it seems that you didn't get it, they took the money but they haven't sent me an email about EOD neither on my profile page and the launcher says i have standard edition and yes I reset my account but nothing happened
  11. Yaseen

    Escape From Tarkov Upgrade

    yes they took the money but i didn't actually receive the EOD upgrade
  12. Yaseen

    Escape From Tarkov Upgrade

    I recently bought EOD but it decided to take my money but not give me the game, I contacted the customer support and I'm waiting for an answer but I actually wanna know if anyone faced a problem like this and what is the best solution to do ? and did i get scammed ? will i get my money back ?
  13. Yaseen

    Sorry boyz

    you dont say sorry because you did something great , holla at me if you want to play in my steam account
  14. Yaseen

    i need a chair

    just buy one from IKEA and problem solved
  15. Yaseen

    paedophile test

    you gonna get pedo result either way
  16. Yaseen

    If you had the chance....

    sounds legit , I LIKE IT
  17. Yaseen

    fucking homo , man they are everywhere

    fucking homo , man they are everywhere
  18. Yaseen
  19. Yaseen

    Flash Games.

    good ol times , i used to play doom when i was 6 years old
  20. Yaseen

    If you had the chance....

    despite all the toxicity , this community still best one ever been made in gmod history
  21. Yaseen

    If you had the chance....

    arent you both in UK ? i dont think its impossible
  22. Yaseen

    Reign Of Kings Giveaway

  23. Yaseen

    If you had the chance....

    Hello people out there, I don't know why I'm doing this but I felt why not. if you had a chance to meet someone from this great community in real life who would you meet? and state the reason. hope everyone practices xD I would like to meet @JER cuz he is a nice person I would like to meet...
  24. Yaseen

    Reign Of Kings Giveaway

    i wanna see what do you removed so bad