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  1. Blue

    iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB Black Titanium Owners Club

    this is what i got rn, samsung better than apple
  2. Blue

    GIVEAWAY: 6 months premium

    STEAM_0:1:63263858 If you'd believe it. my favorite color is blue
  3. Blue

    Waypo Boxing [001]

    Can we use lethal force? ill get someone to put me on a building and snipe the people who dont follow the rules
  4. Blue

    Waypo Boxing [001]

    They get to swim with the monster fishy
  5. Blue


    in what fucking world do you need 205 ak-47s? are you funding russia?
  6. Blue

    Server Suggestion Get rid of XP being removed when killed

    if coding permits it, then i think medics should only lose XP if dying in the area of an already determined shootout and are actively recieving the notification to leave, or a bank robbery etc. other than that i see no reason to remove xp from dying as it could be RDM whatever and not fair on...
  7. Blue

    this is why i keep security upgrades in the boot now

    this is why i keep security upgrades in the boot now
  8. Blue


    i used to have this Xrocker and that shit was comfortable and had speakers built in, only problem was the pedestall broke because i used to rock on it alot, odd from a chair litterally called "rocker" also wish it had wheels.
  9. Blue

    So lets get this straight. you and your friend knew you could be wanted for murder, so you run...

    So lets get this straight. you and your friend knew you could be wanted for murder, so you run infront of 2 cops and smash something you know will set off an alarm infront of them, Run away from them which you should know will get you arrested and then get your friend to break you out? 10000 iq
  10. Blue

    Spookiest admin sit spot

    damn i remember whenever you ended up on there it meant you and your 50 friends were getting banned cuz they needed the space
  11. Blue

    Server Suggestion Counterfeit Money Printers

    If its 1:1 then it needs to be slow print time, or economy ends up like the U.K
  12. Blue

    Map Suggestion High voltage sign

    Suggestion Title: High voltage sign Suggestion Description: On the monorail stations, display signs clearly highlighting the high voltage track. i have watched countless new players try to run on it just to die, although this is fun to watch. Why should this be added?: -Highlights to new...
  13. Blue

    CensoredExe return maybe

    Hello from J.Walker. im still offended that you said you thought i was poor when selling you 30 m4s >:(
  14. Blue

    What happends when you become friends with a true sweater?

    i like to offer them a lift and drop them the complete oposite side of the map. helps them learn their way around i hope.
  15. Blue

    Minor Rule Changes - 11/08/2023

    is this the same as medic/ff where they can be displaced or is it more than one
  16. Blue

    Yo Perpheads Players What is Water?

    Go to the harbour to find out, while your there give the fish-monster a kiss.
  17. Blue

    Doing a gun inventory giveaway

    enter enter
  18. Blue

    Server Suggestion Being shot in head = blackscreen!!!!!

    Not true at all. lower the unconcious time after a headshot maybe?
  19. Blue

    oi donny check it out my hats alive

    oi donny check it out my hats alive
  20. Blue

    Waypo - The Return of Online Retail for Paralake

    Noooo. your only buying door knockers, no fbi or plpd watchlist.
  21. Blue

    Model Suggestion Fireman GRENADES

    still agree with the limit on them, also shouldnt give anywhere near as much money to prevent them being lazy and just using them instead of a hose
  22. Blue

    Model Suggestion Fireman GRENADES

    Make it only go off when inside a fire or like the axe you can only use it when there is a fire nearby.
  23. Blue

    Astrophotography and space!

    Above the latest post there was a picture of jupiter but that was taken on my old celestron scope first one we had. i havent took pictures of jupiter on this one but we have looked with eye peices and nothing can beat it even seeing the rings on saturn in quite clear definition. We upgraded the...
  24. Blue


    bing bash bosch...
  25. Blue

    Astrophotography and space!

    @Jimmy Bovine Telescope == Skywatcher 150pds DSLR == Cannon eos 1500D (needs an upgrade) Mount == Skywatcher HEQ5 we have a polestar cam or something for polar allignment but im not sure of the model. thats the main stuff
  26. Blue

    Astrophotography and space!

    Been a long time, alot of improvements and new equipment, thought id share our latest picture of the orion nebula.
  27. Blue

    Model Suggestion Add combat gloves For officers

    i mean if added add it for all officers not SO+ Or anything
  28. Blue

    Model Suggestion Add combat gloves For officers

    i mean they just gloves? why should you have to rank up to have gloves as an officer they already get all the cool shit give me gloves
  29. Blue

    Mr. Bones Wild Ride & Giveaway
