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  1. Blue

    New FireTruck Siren.

    this sounds like your squeezing mickey mouses balls i think the current one is fine
  2. Blue

    PERPHeads Shooting Tier List (A very BTec Version Of One)

    i still dont understand what you were trying to do
  3. Blue

    [IMG] my new favorite picture

    my new favorite picture
  4. Blue

    happy birthday ASAC schrader

    happy birthday ASAC schrader
  5. Blue

    fine :(

    fine :(
  6. Blue

    lil peep better than weed homer right? @Nate

    lil peep better than weed homer right? @Nate
  7. Blue

    how bout 3 weeks? [IMG]

    how bout 3 weeks?
  8. Blue

    then why rate me old im not a boomer :(

    then why rate me old im not a boomer :(
  9. Blue

    who u calling a crybaby huh? [IMG]

    who u calling a crybaby huh?
  10. Blue


  11. Blue

    disagree if your gay

    disagree if your gay
  12. Blue

    no more weird memes by this guy :(

    no more weird memes by this guy :(
  13. Blue

    [IMG][IMG] imagine all the donuts gone after these 2 get high

    imagine all the donuts gone after these 2 get high
  14. Blue

    fat donut munchies man :(

    fat donut munchies man :(
  15. Blue

    Postal 2 Co-op

    still happening?
  16. Blue

    imagine if it was a firefighter!

    imagine if it was a firefighter!
  17. Blue

    fuck off pope finance also let the kids out they need to breathe

    fuck off pope finance also let the kids out they need to breathe
  18. Blue

    it wont last long with that toxic behavior!

    it wont last long with that toxic behavior!
  19. Blue

    Remove Mic Requirement

    simple answer it should be removed If your point is "you can help people without the rank" then what is the point in the rank? it gives many perks(idk what else to call it) that would let players be more useful when helping people compared to normal, Unlimited ooc/help chat, physgun perms, doing...
  20. Blue


  21. Blue

    was that him betting 5m or winning 5m

    was that him betting 5m or winning 5m
  22. Blue

    Change the senior moderator colour to something else

    @Synatec what's wrong with that color?!?!
  23. Blue

    Yeah I did add me back

    Yeah I did add me back
  24. Blue

    Change the senior moderator colour to something else

    @Synatec i diddnt choose it go away
  25. Blue

    Change the senior moderator colour to something else

    @Kempotent not a bad color tbh
  26. Blue

    Change the senior moderator colour to something else

    uh thats not the coder color? also coder is owner so what is the o? I MUST JUDGE
  27. Blue

    Change the senior moderator colour to something else

    whats that red orange C meant to be
  28. Blue

    new pc

    nice, what was your budget for this build if you dont mind saying, im hoping to get a new pc this year was looking at the 570 so let me know how it performs :)
  29. Blue

    Remove Mic Requirement

    Staff always use looc to ask if they can take someone for a sit, also idk about anyone else but i look at it when i hear the click so i can laugh at all the toxic people
  30. Blue

    holy shit i knew you said they changed it but this is unacceptable!

    holy shit i knew you said they changed it but this is unacceptable!