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  1. adsol93

    Shop Signs

    +Support Besides that it would be more handy and more "professional", it would be more realistic.
  2. adsol93


    +Support It's totally unrealistic to rob a bank and get only 7k or so. 100k or even more would be better. Like, wtf, you rob a bank.
  3. adsol93

    Niko's Refund Request

    I was there when that happened (in the OOC). What you say it's true. Probably bugged, cause as I said that day, took me money too in the first paint.
  4. adsol93

    Adding curtains to windows.

    I also +support this, because of everything that has been told above me. No need to add anything else here.
  5. adsol93

    VCmod script for cars (now it's on sale - 40% cheaper!)

    Definitely +Support from me. It even has stop alarms and a lot of good features that add to the realism. I really wish sometimes had stop alarms on perpheads. Besides this, it has a lot of good cars.
  6. adsol93


    @AyJay @Yung Vuitton I really like the idea of the restriction, the mess can be avoided by this. @Ethan That's a nice idea and adds to the RP but as Yung said what about a "Security Job" with like 2-3 available slots for the Cinema? (This job can be added generally though, protection of stores...
  7. adsol93

    Free movement in your storage

    +support, inventory is kinda messed up sometimes.
  8. adsol93

    Ban Request Ade Sol

    I get it, it's serious RolePlay, rules must be followed and I agree with this as much as you do and that's why I chose this server among the others. But, sometimes it's just ok to calm down and don't take things so personally* and also remind to our self that it's only a game. We need to have...
  9. adsol93

    Ban Request Ade Sol

    Pointless post, use the comment function instead. Forum warning issued -Chrissy
  10. adsol93

    Double ban request.

    I totally agree with this. The policemen had to give information about them after being asked. Imagine this in real life. Besides this, Luke shot at me (as a Lieutenant) without even listening to what I was saying through my microphone about 1 week ago. And so many other times that he didn't...
  11. adsol93


    Well, that's not realistic at all. It's not allowed to do such thing.
  12. adsol93


  13. adsol93


    I agree with this.
  14. adsol93


  15. adsol93


    Topic: Paralake Cinema Short explanation (in notes): -Add a Cinema in Paralake City. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): It has been suggested again and the topic has closed. But I think a Cinema would be a great time waster (you don't need to make money all the time or...
  16. adsol93

    A check bank app

    I also agree with this one.
  17. adsol93

    Dubstrep radio IRL?

    Which is the in-game "Dubstep" station?
  18. adsol93

    Strangest thing to happen to you in game?

    Some black guy stole a fridge and gave it to me as a gift.
  19. adsol93

    This is against the server rules, isn't it?

    As I said I don't know any of his names but I have the demo file if it's useful.
  20. adsol93

    This is against the server rules, isn't it?

    Note this, no admin was online at the server.
  21. adsol93

    This is against the server rules, isn't it?

    Then he asks if I am his friend and when I said no he killed me with a gun.
  22. adsol93

    This is against the server rules, isn't it?

    This guy said to me, "you were rude to me" and then he starts hitting me. I don't remember the nickname or the in-game name either.
  23. adsol93

    This is against the server rules, isn't it?

    Well, there's been some kind of a fight with a guy and then I got killed by a friend of his which is absolutely fine. But, after I revived the guy that I argued with at first (before death) comes (after death) and kills me as a cop. This is against the server rules, isn't it? (I have the demo...