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  1. TraxØGJ

    ahah, yeah I'll read them again, I just forgot them :)

    ahah, yeah I'll read them again, I just forgot them :)
  2. TraxØGJ

    My Apology

    Hi guys, As you might know, I was a user from Perpheads since May of 2014, and I used to love to play Perpheads. Until ... well ... I decided to join to SparkPERP, you guys already might know it, as I've seen a lot of people talking about it: Shoutbox; Posts; etc... I was just invited to get...
  3. TraxØGJ


    Well I see your side of wanting to add gloves just as an accessory to PH, anyways I'm not sure if that's really needed. However if this was to avoid people from "dropping" DNA all over the crime scene / robbery, would be great, and probably someone would worry about making that, but if it's only...
  4. TraxØGJ

    Make police force whitelisted (applicable on forums)

    Yeah would be nice when it comes to decrease fail cops, However that would decrease the Police Force tightly. The only times of the day that the Officers slots are full (usually) is on the weekends during the afternoon, and it feels too much restricted, I seriously don't like that way of RP, I...
  5. TraxØGJ

    Seventh Sanctum Application's

    COPIED FROM LAST POST (here) OOC Info: Name: George Johnson Age: 17 Country: Portugal Time-zone: GMT +0 Do you have a microphone?: Yes How active are you on the server?: I'm always active (TS3 (sometimes); Forums (always); Server (always) Steam Name (Optional): TraxØGJ IC Info: Name: George...
  6. TraxØGJ

    Seventh Sanctum

    OOC Info: Name: George Johnson Age: 17 Country: Portugal Time-zone: GMT +0 Do you have a microphone?: Yes How active are you on the server?: I'm always active (TS3 (sometimes); Forums (always); Server (always) Steam Name (Optional): TraxØGJ IC Info: Name: George Johnson Age: 24 Country: United...
  7. TraxØGJ

    Ban request

    Ok, I'm going to say that, on first place I never rammed your car with purpose. On the 2nd video I was going to be arrested by the Speed Enforcer: Marion Cobretti . So I started running away from there with my car, which I hit you unconsciously. And I still saying that the purpose was never to...
  8. TraxØGJ

    Bank robbery cooldown?

    There is already a cooldown. However that story of 5 people again'st 2-3 police officers is kinda impossible. Well I want to ask if it's fair: 1-2 guy(s) v.s 10 police officers + 4 SWAT. Well that is completely impossible to get away. Anyways, the problem is that officers don't know how to...
  9. TraxØGJ

    Robin Jansen Ban Request

    Well, the Demo, clearly shows Robin Jansen pushing niko, for no valid reason, with 1 officer around the area (the other one was in a pursuit he wouldn't have seen that), and he did that with the purpose of letting Niko fall and die (which he nearly had success). @nickjedl took the decision to...
  10. TraxØGJ

    An idea for identifying players physical traits better.

    Let me just say this. You decided to post an exact system of HL2RP (Half-Life 2: Role Play). And I have to say that I don't really support this, as we are actually fine with what we have. Is not really needed to make that, and pretty much you can just use /report function if you see people...
  11. TraxØGJ

    Floods/Storms! (New Fire Fighter SWEP Possibly)

    In my opinion this is not needed at any circumstances. I know it brings more realism but developers wouldn't want to make that, as it's excessive. Another problem would be the lag around, imagine water all around the map, that would be disastrous. So yeah in my opinion this is something that...
  12. TraxØGJ

    Leaving forever

    I loved your Thread. It's completely true what you're talking about. Hope you get back soon. - TraxØGJ
  13. TraxØGJ

    Happy birthday, MoronPipllyd.

    Happy birthday mate.
  14. TraxØGJ


    Well, I'm going to be honest with you, Evocity was not too bad. The place that I liked most was the apartments. But Paralake is a funny place, and I'm already used to it, is like if you were already connected with it, if you know what I mean :) Anyways, I know it brings a big FPS (also because...
  15. TraxØGJ

    Hello there

    Well ... Seems it is already late to make a presentation :p As you have been here for; 1/2 weeks (atleast on forums)? Anyways mate, welcome to PH (Perpheads). I hope you have a great time around here :)
  16. TraxØGJ

    Ban request on Billy Belinsky (IC name)

    Well, I took a look at your video, and seems very confusing. However I can point atleast the rules / the situation, of what happened. First of all, you had an accident, matty was making / asking you to pay the damage of his car, because he tought you were driving in the wrong side of the road...
  17. TraxØGJ

    How to tow a vehicle. [Roadcrew Guide]

    Nice guide mate, really useful! Good work mate :)
  18. TraxØGJ

    George Johnson's Refund Request

    Your in-game name: George Johnson; Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834225; Reason: I've been randomly molotoved, pretty much the guy broke 2.5 / 3.3 / 3.4, and Lewis already took care about that, Lewis told to make a Refund Request to get my stuff back, and here it is; Evidence: Tick: ------
  19. TraxØGJ

    Ban Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] TraxØGJ / George Johnson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Earnie (Steam) / Earnie Homeson (IG Name) His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31159301 Reason: Well pretty much Earnie Homeson joins the police force, and then shoots me, for no apparently reason . (I was AFK during...
  20. TraxØGJ

    Ban request|Hi Guys

    From where can I start? You were with a gun inside of MC UWES. To be honest your gun was in sight of everyone. Which means Law Enforcement Officers can order you to get down and speak with you about this situation. Anyways that was what the LT did, first of all I don't understand why the...
  21. TraxØGJ

    I think its time to call quits.

    Sad to see you leaving :( Hope to see you back one day mate. Take care of yourself.
  22. TraxØGJ


  23. TraxØGJ

    Pumped Armadillos

    Organisation's History --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ranks: Every Rank of this organisation is decided by the God Father and...
  24. TraxØGJ

    Luke Person (Lieutenant) Ban request.

    Watched your demo twice. In my opinion you cannot be holding a gun in passive stance in a public set. Also your job is not to be in the front of the PD (4.5) so this means that you cannot be holding weapons in passive stance on a public set. Anyways the LT (Luke Person), was just going to take...
  25. TraxØGJ

    Managed to mention the name of every staff member in a prank call

    Fantastic, just ... Fantastic. I couldn't stop laughing because of this. Well done mate xd
  26. TraxØGJ

    Player ID system

    This is a great idea stephen, would bring more realism as you said before. And having a phone app for "LEO", would be amazing However Stephen are you planning to bring Speed Enforcements into this idea?
  27. TraxØGJ

    I say HELLO

    Welcome to Perpheads :) Hope you have fun on the server. Don't forget to read the rules :P See you in-game
  28. TraxØGJ

    Ban Request.

    Some guys don't learn at first time.
  29. TraxØGJ

    Ban Request.

    For what I see in your demo, Quantom Nation, was just ramming you, he did that purposely. Then after his car be destroyed he just walks away like if nothing happened. Witch he just CMDed you for no reason. Also he broke 3.4 right when you pulled a Desert Eagle on his head (time: 0:18). Then...
  30. TraxØGJ

    Added to driving law

    Makes sence. + Support