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  1. obidan66

    Poker Table Blinds

    Description of the idea: Poker table blinds to be visible and tangible tokens that are on the table so that everyone knows who is currently the big blind and who is currently the small blind, along with the figures of said blind on the token. Why should this be added? (pros): Functionality...
  2. obidan66

    Server Suggestion Tournament Poker Table

    I actually was in the process of making the exact same suggestion lol... You beat me to it. : ) I have however a few key points Id like for you to consider to be added to the suggestion. - Blinds to be visible and tangible tokens that are on the table so that everyone knows who is currently...
  3. obidan66

    Poker Competition - Sponsored by Mensa

    ..... The time has come.
  4. obidan66


    @John Daymon Oh, Johnny boy... You're gonna make me blush man. I do remember a time when we've had beef, but to be honest with you that is so long ago, I was practically a different person back then (My RP was still impeccable tho)... And I'm glad that we've eventually become friends. Thank...
  5. obidan66

    Officer Burnhills being burned

    Ah yes, the classic "leave the elevator just as the officer presses the button and make a swift getaway", truly a move as old as time itself but still great to see. Great work bud!
  6. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Trey Limes Thank you for your input and your opinions.
  7. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Samsterminator In truth, I'm not trying to discourage anyone from making an organization, I'm just trying to set some boundaries... But where within those boundaries you are is entirely up to you as long as it's realistic/believable. Also what I'm asking is not a super-serious environment, I...
  8. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Samsterminator Thank you for the comments, I appreciate your investment. The truth is that I don't know how big or how small of a chance this has to pass in any way shape or form... But because I believe it is the right thing to do, I'm doing all that I can to at least try. Perhaps what gives...
  9. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Samsterminator Hi, thanks for your reply. There are a few key issues I have with what you said, let's break it down. First, the last thread I made concerning this was a discussion, this is an official suggestion. You should have a discussion already made on a topic before a suggestion about...
  10. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Butterman561 Hello and thank you for your reply. The main point of this thread is yes, partly pointing out the most obvious side-effect of 2.1 being ignored by the players and the staff alike, that being that organizations are FailRP, Non-RP, or generally anti-RP in nature. But the core of...
  11. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @joey So at a staff member's discretion, the rules can be ignored completely?
  12. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @joey No, I'm saying that the presence of roleplay and the absence of roleplay is not a matter of perspective... That is an objectively observable fact.
  13. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Dank First of all, thank you for taking your time with creating such a well-made reply, much appreciated. When it comes to the focus of the game, as you said being shifted towards more of a Cops vs Orgs game mode, I fully agree with that assessment, however where we diverge is the fact that...
  14. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Husky So refreshing to hear a voice of reason among all the critique and even insults I've been faced with because of this post. Thank you for your reply and your opinion. : )
  15. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Exnem Hi, thanks for your reply and apologies for the delayed response. These take a bit to make in order to have some value. Anyway, let's start with getting one thing clear. There is no "My perspective of roleplay", either there IS roleplay or there ISNT roleplay. And currently, there isn't...
  16. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    Thank you @THE SPOOK for your reply, been looking forward to your input. To prevent repeating myself a lot I'm gonna condense it and focus only on the core of your message, hope you don't take offense to that. : ) Yes, I partly blame the staff team for the current state of RP on the server, as...
  17. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @BigBenji Thank you for your reply, I see some good points. However, I have issues with some things you said. First... Olsen is not a roleplaying organization. It's probably the most notorious non-roleplay raiding organization in the history of this community and the entire group has nothing...
  18. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Xeronise Thank you for the reply. It isn't about their inner rank names (not for the absolute most part), it's about the fact that a player and or an organization either adheres to 2.1 and roleplays in a realistic fashion as per the standard of the rules of the server. Or they don't. "People...
  19. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @joey PERPheads PERP within its title and its rules does not "encourage" some moderately good roleplay. It /demands/ serious roleplay. Nothing more, nothing less. It r/requires/ a player to RP and behave in a realistic manner at all times. You as a staff member should've been made aware of that...
  20. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @joey Thank you for your reply. I have two questions for you regarding that then. First, how do you know that we aren't losing more players than we're gaining because of the server being unserious and organizations mostly being dominated by a fail-RP / non-RP majority? Second, why do you wish...
  21. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @celaion Hi, thank you for your reply. I presume that you are quoting McGlinchy's comment made on the original discussion. Next time it would be worthwhile for the sake of context and everyone understanding the meaning to make that known. Firstly, while that is true to have been said, it is...
  22. obidan66

    Why does perp seem so anti-growth?

    I'm afraid the truth isn't always so simple...
  23. obidan66

    Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: The rule in question is 2.1 - Play Realistically. This rule is in my opinion not only the most important one of all, as it distinguishes a serious RP environment from any other DarkRP and Semi-Serious Roleplay server out there, setting the theme and the level...
  24. obidan66

    Happy Birthday Lewis, you old rascal

    Happy Birthday Lewis, you old rascal
  25. obidan66

    Server Suggestion More consumables (Food and Drinks) / Consumables Overhaul

    @northnortheast Precisely what I was thinking. Thank you for the feedback and support for this idea!
  26. obidan66

    guide to: kidnapping

    PLPD has no chill. They really should try to negotiate and not be stupid... But like you said, 90% of the time, TFU just rushes in, and usually, everyone including the hostages, the hostage-takers, and some TFU die in the process. But low and behold, that is perfectly acceptable for some...
  27. obidan66

    Server Suggestion More consumables (Food and Drinks) / Consumables Overhaul

    -Thread revised and updated- (I know you're not supposed to bump these, but this has been sitting here for 8 months and some verdict on it would be nice, now more than ever.)
  28. obidan66

    Strickland Propane

    Take this as you will, but honestly.... This is more realistic and believable than most backgrounds of organizations these days if they even bother to make a backstory that is. So good job, flash out the page a little more and you're good off to a good start. Best of luck.
  29. obidan66

    Why most people do not RP

    @Kenty That's what I'm saying and what I disagree with... It should be their job to regulate RP and its quality or the lack of it.
  30. obidan66

    Why most people do not RP

    I've already been advocating for the return of roleplay for years, but RP has been gradually disappearing more and more until none of it remains now... I've made several threads about it in the past, most notably, my attempt to forcefully strike at the heart of the problem: Ban on non-roleplay...