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  1. M26C Taser

  2. M26C Taser

    1.5 mil
  3. Refund Request for Benelli shotgun

    Your in-game name: Riley West Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75268988 What do you need refunded: Benalli Shotgun and buckshot Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Rule Breaker broke NLR Evidence: @flugs @Blackdown Tick:
  4. NLR timer hud doesn't fully show on cops

    @Samuel yep. So we can raid the same place for 2 hours straight
  5. Ban lengths

    @Jack P why are you so salty
  6. Ban lengths

    Can we actually know how much was exchanged so players can understand the long ban length?
  7. Ban lengths

    @Jack P that an application from 2019. Jack for fuck sake grow the fuck up
  8. Ban lengths

    @Henry yeah this fucking it doesn’t take long to get to 1mil. I just don’t bass so it takes me slightly longer
  9. Ban lengths

    @exrobite maybe not the best place to bring that up. It’s been discussed many times afaik. It’s a difficult situtation.
  10. Ban lengths

    @Sneaky Nah it’s Gucci. I’m a little bit raid hungry at times however this situtation was I was simply observing the officers dealing with the situtation. Since the apartment had a lot of folks. But just wanna make it clear that I don’t target anyone. Also if your going to post ban histories...
  11. Ban lengths

    Also #freeJB and #FreeDB. There ace players
  12. Ban lengths

    Harassed to death? Okay you brought me into this so I gotta respond. If someone breaks the law they get punished simple as. I don’t target jay. I mean sure I dislike him but that does not mean I go out of my way to target or harass him. Jay in this situtation escalated it stupidly. Originally I...
  13. Bye everyone

    See ya DB
  14. Fun RP today

    F-Follow our demands
  15. Roleplay

    Ahh yes you receive the award for punching people while screaming it’s billy ray
  16. Suck a PP

    Suck a PP
  17. Ban Apology

    @The HitMan when did you tell me to leave? None the less he still broke the law either way. Calling someone a “paki bastard” is extremely racist. You can see in the video he points his weapon at me and attempts to hide in the rear of his apartment. All over a 500 dollar ticket
  18. Ban Apology

    @The HitMan don’t bring my ban into this thanks. What he said was extremely racist. I was not jumping to conclusions? He said something extremely racist so I attempted to punish him with a small ticket which he actively refused.
  19. Ban Apology

    @Jimmy Jackson You were there. (Can you confirm my story) Jay. I provided you numerous opportunities to step toward your door. Under the law right to enter private property I entered your property since you began to actively evade the ticket. (1k) (Also FYI I keep telling you this. I identify...
  20. New mic

    PayPal me
  21. New mic

    So after many years of having a shit mic I have decided to upgrade Any suggestions? Looking for something that could fit within my student budget
  22. Ban Dispute

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Dispute Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @Code Monkey Your Steam Name: tetra Your In-game Name: Riley west Your Steam ID: Why were you banned?: (See: ScamBans) jumped to conclusions Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: I believe this ban is...
  23. Ban Apology

    He was actively avoiding a ticket. He does this all the time. The second someone tried to ticket him he runs away and refuses to accept it. The reason I entered the property was because he was actively evading. However I am not on trail here so leaving it at that. Just to make you aware he only...
  24. Warg / Dick Bobson

    Can we have a paralakes got talent even though we know who would win I think it would be fun
  25. Make the PH graffiti a hint for DD locations

    It already is afaik
  26. Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @Jack P Mate I literally have a qualification in suicide prevention/mental health first aid so I think I know what I’m talking about LMAO.
  27. Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    @Jack P mate I talk to people who have done TFU. Your “training” is just stuff like how throw/cock a flash (have it blow as it hits the floor or enters the room) how to breach. TFU should have more regular training sessions to cover certain topics more in depth. like most TFU don’t know...
  28. Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    What training. You only have stage 2 which I wouldn’t consider training.
  29. Police Suggestion TFU Application rework

    Can we get an update on this?
  30. Police Suggestion TFU Taking Charge Policy

    My two cents on this situtation. The current policy states only TFTO/supervisors/command can overrule during a situtation. This is fine as the current policy. Just because you get TFU does not mean you hold any more authority than other officers. There is a reason supervisors exist thus allow...