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  1. ar on tetra

    I went out of your field of view (14 seconds)as ordered by the other guy and therefor was not under GP. I do apologise for missing the take radio me. also just noticed you were not near me/close enough to me to even take my panic or radio IMO also the reason I was delayed was because I was...
  2. Legalising weed

    It would be great from a tax standpoint. like imagine what the earned tax could be spent on. Plus we can all see the medical benefits.
  3. Apology @Madda @fredy

    @Adrish Im super confused
  4. Apology @Madda @fredy

    I think we have left this long enough. Any chance we can come to a conclusion?
  5. Apology @Madda @fredy

    @Fredy @Madda Also you really shouldn’t have done that. Because of you I have given wiki so much grief
  6. Apology @Madda @fredy

    Okay so I have come to the following conclusion. I don’t believe wiki should be permanently banned however he still does need to be punished. That’s my two cents. Wiki if I get a chance to come on tomorrow I will however I am extremely busy with work preparing for a event in the coming weeks.
  7. Apology @Madda @fredy

    @Wiki No I tried that before hand and you were just chuckling
  8. Apology @Madda @fredy

  9. Apology @Madda @fredy

    Wiki im not sure your aware of the gravity of the situation but Scotland has some of the strictest laws on what you did. Inciting people to harass/sharing information in an attempt to use it maliously
  10. Apology @Madda @fredy

    YES HOWEVER That doesn't give you the right to share it with people in an attempt to use it maliously. In the eyes of the law this can constitute to harassment/attempting to incite harassment.
  11. Apology @Madda @fredy

    Thing is wiki there is a difference between doing shit online and calling my work phone number/texting it ..........
  12. Apology @Madda @fredy

    Sorry wiki but, No, I don't accept your apology. @Fredy
  13. ROLL 20 BREACH

    So roll 20 had a breach Below is a typed up transcript
  14. Military

    This just sounds like TFU but with camo
  15. Stuff to watch netflix.

  16. AR on dai

  17. AR on dai

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Finlay R His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dai john Goodin His/Her SteamID: Dunno Why Should This Player Be Punished: Shot me while I had him under GP ordering him to drop his weapon. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  18. Had a decent situation earlier...

    Wait why was I tagged Im confused
  19. Need Help With Choosing a New Chair

    RH logic 400
  20. ar on finlay russel

    Since you bring my bans into question care to look at the time stamps?
  21. ar on finlay russel

    Also why was an AR only made on me and not make one on @ardomaxi since if I remember correctly you litreally said or one of your mates said "AR only on finlay" which is quite exessively negative
  22. ar on finlay russel

    @Shay was an officer on the scene. I was just patroling, I did not invent a reason to raid you since I was just peaking inside and someome made a 911 about a raid. Then my fellow officer pointed out there was a fridge so I asked if you lived there. You said you all live there so the other...
  23. The GREAT Perpheads giveaway

    Finlay Russell 321 8084
  24. Live Events and Theatre Lighting

    Heya lads, This thread will show you some of the shit I get up to as a freelance theatre technican/lighting designer
  25. Only allowed to raid with your own Organisation

    Who thought this was a smart idea?
  26. Find this Homophobic attacker

    So duffy is the guy in cuffs now?
  27. Find this Homophobic attacker

    Had a look through the pups facebook page and looked at recent reviews.
  28. Update Log - 27/05/2018

    Well I think one way it could be done would be using a youtube to mp3 conversion service which then streams it to the radio
  29. Update Log - 27/05/2018

    That would then require audio files to be uploaded or streamed to the server which is where we get into dodgy buiness.
  30. calling people "hackers"

    I prefer the term script kiddy Hacking requires skill and finese All of these game "hackers" don't even code there own hacks