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  1. Ysauzi

    Why aren't you playing?

    literally hyped up from the beginning of 2019 saying that may was a mighty month and the only thing that was updated was the sun and moon bruh
  2. Ysauzi

    Why aren't you playing?

    May is a mighty month! *devs releases moon and sun update* community: who the fuck wants to look at a sun and moon
  3. Ysauzi

    i love this man

    i love this man
  4. Ysauzi

    Busting Discord Predators 2

    pretty hot
  5. Ysauzi

    ar on dai!

    yes agreed
  6. Ysauzi

    ar on dai!

    wow this is such a unfair advantage he almost has a 100% chance to kill you thank god i dont have to deal with these types of cheaters
  7. Ysauzi


    who are you bro
  8. Ysauzi


  9. Ysauzi

    AK 5 best gun

    AK 5 best gun
  10. Ysauzi


    Also I wasnt the driver i just yoinked his weapon which I was gonna give back but got killed out of nowhere. I am still willing to refund him the weapon if he takes down the AR
  11. Ysauzi


    i was gonna give the gun back but some rando just killed everyone at storage. i'll give it back if you want
  12. Ysauzi

    Cursed images

  13. Ysauzi

    Little brother wants a computer... @AlexDunsシ better ram, better psu, better cpu and a nicer case for £90 less
  14. Ysauzi

    Little brother wants a computer...

    build your own computer bruh these things cost way more than they should
  15. Ysauzi

    Little brother wants a computer...

    also you the free version of windows 10 is just as good as the 100 dollar one only you see a watermark on the bottom right
  16. Ysauzi

    Little brother wants a computer...

    i think its time to ditch Intel and join AMD fan boys. literally no reason not to go AMD, faster and alot better prices. Maybe a AMD with integrated graphics? AMD Ryzen 5 2400g seems like a good option if you wanna ditch the graphics card and save money
  17. Ysauzi

    patrigga the nigga

    patrigga the nigga
  18. Ysauzi

    patrigga star

    patrigga star
  19. Ysauzi


    very funny! :)
  20. Ysauzi

    i mean i never interacted with you before only dumb rated your "goodbye post" for actually...

    i mean i never interacted with you before only dumb rated your "goodbye post" for actually being dumb, then you come and call me weird "dont care about ratings btw"
  21. Ysauzi

    someone is a little mad over ratings

    someone is a little mad over ratings
  22. Ysauzi


    its another kickstarter game that wont go anywhere. we've seen this before with Identity and its not good at all. And like shroud said if it was possible to make this type of game companies would've been doing it already.
  23. Ysauzi

    Valve index

    ur IPD is too high ur gonna die of motion sickness
  24. Ysauzi

    Valve index

    you dont really need a guide aqua
  25. Ysauzi

    Valve index

    pavlov is really fun and i recommend it, make sure to turn around IRL and not with controllers so you dont get moition sick.
  26. Ysauzi

    thanks bro

    thanks bro
  27. Ysauzi

    closet weeb, im a real man cause i have best waifu as my pfp

    closet weeb, im a real man cause i have best waifu as my pfp
  28. Ysauzi

    BEST GIRL BTW change your pfp no balls

    BEST GIRL BTW change your pfp no balls
  29. Ysauzi

    perfect, mikasa would be even better

    perfect, mikasa would be even better
  30. Ysauzi

    i mean atleast change it to some generic shounen anime character

    i mean atleast change it to some generic shounen anime character