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  1. Ysauzi

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    @Moon so basically invited you because you were the competition, literally what JER said in his post? and you call it a joke? take the fucking L
  2. Ysauzi

    What phone should I get

  3. Ysauzi

    [IMG] realistic @Imperial Watch

    realistic @Imperial Watch
  4. Ysauzi

    What phone should I get

    doesnt even have android yikes dude
  5. Ysauzi

    What phone should I get

    @Aquaa fucking iphone fanboy lookin ass iphone borger
  6. Ysauzi

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    prove it
  7. Ysauzi

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    @ICEKILLER_99 you cant even speak
  8. Ysauzi

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    biggest rimlick cause the only thing icemidget can reach is their ass
  9. Ysauzi

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    zuko donrey best chosen few member
  10. Ysauzi

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    @Husky 6 hours for RDM? wow totally not biased
  11. Ysauzi

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    imagine dropping out to play gmod roleplay
  12. Ysauzi

    do you go to the doctor when you are in a near death situation

    nigga really said he is breaking 3.4
  13. Ysauzi

    im 27 brb gonna go for a smoke

    im 27 brb gonna go for a smoke
  14. Ysauzi

    do you refrigerate your eggs

    do you guys freeze eggs?
  15. Ysauzi

    shadowplay csgo

    sorry cant hear you over my harem full of waifus
  16. Ysauzi

    shadowplay csgo

    hell yea japanese music is my jam bro
  17. Ysauzi

    i've never seen it but heard about it

    i've never seen it but heard about it
  18. Ysauzi

    when are craftable sponges coming to perpheads?

    when are craftable sponges coming to perpheads?
  19. Ysauzi

    you literally are too scared to show your face let alone speak bro HAAH either that or you cant...

    you literally are too scared to show your face let alone speak bro HAAH either that or you cant reach that mic
  20. Ysauzi

    too scared to even speak to his internet buddies HAHA

    too scared to even speak to his internet buddies HAHA
  21. Ysauzi

    you literally shorter than a 6 year old HAHAHA

    you literally shorter than a 6 year old HAHAHA
  22. Ysauzi

    i actually did laugh HAHAHAH not like you were talking in there anyway

    i actually did laugh HAHAHAH not like you were talking in there anyway
  23. Ysauzi

    Aquaa - Stormzy Cover

  24. Ysauzi


    you need to upgrade the minecraft stuff man we need to be able to handle big modpacks bro
  25. Ysauzi

    Decriminalize Psychedelics

    thats why you gotta do it correctly man
  26. Ysauzi

    Decriminalize Psychedelics

    but heroin is very addictive and bad
  27. Ysauzi

    Decriminalize Psychedelics

    would also like to say that decriminalizing is not the same as legalizing, simply put people who are addicted would seek help instead of not doing anything about it cause they fear being arrested
  28. Ysauzi

    Decriminalize Psychedelics

    totally rad bro those things dont make you go bonkers man if you do it correctly
  29. Ysauzi

    naruto heads montage

    why did this turn into a weeb hate thread