in my opinion cheaters should have another chance with disabilities And even if there is any suspicion that he will examine him in any way or ban him for suspicion of cheating and then he will need to prove it that he didnt cheat in anyway demos let the admin cheack the computer.
Cheating is cheating I know already but after a long time I will not come back and ask for an unban for no reason and cheat again there is a reason and I learned my mistake and I want to forget the past and open a blank page I think that cheaters need another chance even with disabilities. even...
Are you good at shooting (don't lie please):Not that good
Have you got more than 1 mill:not atm
Are you autistic:Sure ;)
do you think i like YOU?:No.
Name:John Kogan
Steam name:Kogan
Ingame name :John Kogan
Current amount of cash : around 200K (spending at rifle marksmanship atm-new car)
What is the state of your armory? : 10 M4 2AK
Cars currently owned? :Mini Cooper atm saveing money for new one
Marksmanship Levels? : rifle 61 pistol 13 (not useing shotguns and smgs)...
When im playing , Like every 30 min my game is crashing and freezin and i can still hear audio inside the game . Iv tried a lot of console commands and none helped , can any body help ?:mad:
and how i stop the demo ?