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  1. Frankie Rankin


  2. Frankie Rankin

    AR on a Hyper223

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Frankie Rankin His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Billy Cosby/Hyper223 His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:74819606 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User Broke 3.4 And killed me for no reason Evidence (Demo Required):
  3. Frankie Rankin

    AR On Cup_Master

    @Cup Master Whats your mates OOC name?
  4. Frankie Rankin

    AR On Cup_Master

    it was a fast-paced shootout u jumped up when i was shooting
  5. Frankie Rankin

    AR On Cup_Master

    at the end
  6. Frankie Rankin

    AR On Cup_Master

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Frankie Rankin His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Cup_Master His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47529486 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User Broke 3.4 Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: N/A
  7. Frankie Rankin

    Brikaas's Birthday Giveaway!

    31 pls x
  8. Frankie Rankin

    giveaway ok

    Thx for rigging it for me xx
  9. Frankie Rankin


    Oh :*( I wanted to see you leave :(
  10. Frankie Rankin


    Will miss you a lot, played with you throughout the past few years. Been great roleplaying with you and patrolling, fun throughout the time I've known you. Hit me up if you still want to play games!
  11. Frankie Rankin

    -=Ironside Applications=-

    -=IronSide Crafting Co.=- Application. Your Steam/In-game Name: Frankie Rankin/Frankie Rankin Skills: Patient, "Decent" Shot, Good Drive, Dose not give up, a hard worker and Resilient Why Should we consider you?: Because I'm a grafter (Hard worker) And will always do my best no matter what the...
  12. Frankie Rankin

    Ar on aids base

    @moD That's what it says when you crash.... and don't confront him make a AR like this
  13. Frankie Rankin

    Ar on aids base

    Ok I see why you think this, but I died in the middle of your base so either your guys are blind or he did not have the m4
  14. Frankie Rankin

    Ar on aids base

    @moD Ok. so you think my co raider took my m4 and dced? lucky for us a admin can check that also.
  15. Frankie Rankin

    Ar on aids base

    as you can see above the only reason I ever died was because of your base, I personally only died 2 times and both were due to your base, 1 death clip is seen above, and as seen above I had a M4.
  16. Frankie Rankin

    Ar on aids base

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Frankie Rankin/Luke/A1L/iTzGaZ @A1L @luke5763 His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sunlight Bow/Deadly Dark Viking/[RTA] Mod/Metaman_y2k His/Her SteamID: No Clue Why Should This Player Be Punished: 100% Aids base and caused us to die 3 times over the course of 2 hours Evidence...
  17. Frankie Rankin

    Machete God?

    There clips were pulled within 30 mins, Can I be the machete god?
  18. Frankie Rankin


    WTF? I don't understand
  19. Frankie Rankin


  20. Frankie Rankin

    giveaway ok

    yr not active fk off my money
  21. Frankie Rankin

    The Purps

  22. Frankie Rankin

    giveaway ok

    im ginger
  23. Frankie Rankin

    The Purps

  24. Frankie Rankin


    Gimic is one of the best and most helpful people on perp. he is a person you can always have a chilled chat with. when I was going through hard times he was there for me, and perp would not be the same without him there helping the server and the PLPD. @Gimic
  25. Frankie Rankin


    @FatGeorge is a friendly person and one of the very few competent TFU officers he was excellent in a hostage sit and is just a great guy +rep
  26. Frankie Rankin

    RR @Shay

    @Racxes ??
  27. Frankie Rankin

    RR @Shay

  28. Frankie Rankin

    Bobo's RR

    -Involved- I made the IA complaint on the officer resulting in it being sustained:
  29. Frankie Rankin

    The Purps

    I never said I was 13, I have knowen you since I was 14
  30. Frankie Rankin

    The Purps

    @DB KILLER Whats wrong with being toxic ;D