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  1. тѕсм.Kermit

    Happy birthday! =)

    Happy birthday! =)
  2. тѕсм.Kermit

    You're welcome! I'll do my best to solve this problem for you.

    You're welcome! I'll do my best to solve this problem for you.
  3. тѕсм.Kermit

    [SOLVED] I keep crashing while playing on PH ;(

    Hello Wicked! I just noticed, that you posted the dl link on my profile. I'll take a look at the dumplog now & contact you as soon as possible.
  4. тѕсм.Kermit

    Recommendation of The-Devils-Son

    I totally agree with you, Calle! @The-Devils-Son: You're such a great moderator, keep up the good work.
  5. тѕсм.Kermit

    [SOLVED] Requesting evidence of bazar fire.

    Sadly, i arrived too late to bring any evidence.. However, i can witness, that your shop burned down. Good luck with your RR!
  6. тѕсм.Kermit

    Being able to throw empty bottles.

    +SUPPORT I'd definitely love to see this being implemented, as i usually drink alot of beer ingame *lel*. It could also be a useful addition to the weaponry, just for scenarios like "Err ma gawwwd, we ran out of ammo! Let's throw damn bottles at these raiders!!" Thanks for suggesting this, buddy!
  7. тѕсм.Kermit

    What I've been doing In my spare time Involving Supervisor.

    Really creative man.. I bet, this helps you alot! Good luck on your application! =)
  8. тѕсм.Kermit

    Guess what I have returned

    Welcome back to Perpheads, Death Howl! =)
  9. тѕсм.Kermit

    What map did you like the best?

    I had some awesome moments in EvoCity.. Yeah, it was alot of fun! However, Paralake V2 is definitely my favourite. Thanks for the fantastic work!
  10. тѕсм.Kermit

    Away soon

    Enjoy your stay and see ya soon! =)
  11. тѕсм.Kermit

    Monorail app

    +Support An app like that would be a great addition and i'd love to see this being implemented!
  12. тѕсм.Kermit


    Bye! I hope to see you again on PH, someday.
  13. тѕсм.Kermit

    The thread you didnt want to see - I'm back!

    Hope to see YOU ingame very soon! =)
  14. тѕсм.Kermit

    The thread you didnt want to see - I'm back!

    Welcome back, Senlin! =)
  15. тѕсм.Kermit

    New Server

    Thanks for the new server, @Fredy!
  16. тѕсм.Kermit


    @JohnRiddle You're a fantastic roleplayer, with a great knowledge of the rules & laws. I'm proud to know you, it's always alot of fun to play with you! Thanks for being such a nice guy! =) Greetings, Kermit
  17. тѕсм.Kermit

    I'm home!

    Welcome back to Perpheads!
  18. тѕсм.Kermit

    Mayoral Election Results

    Topic: Mayoral Election: Voting Results Short explanation (in notes): - Being able to see, how many votes every candidate received Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Well, it might seem to be kinda useless, but i think it'd be an interesting feature to see, how many...
  19. тѕсм.Kermit

    Danke für alles, alte Sau!

    Danke für alles, alte Sau!
  20. тѕсм.Kermit


    Sad to see you leaving.... #DummeFotze =) - Kermit
  21. тѕсм.Kermit McFlurry Magnum Brownie for president!! McFlurry Magnum Brownie for president!!
  22. тѕсм.Kermit


    Thanks for everything, Homer! You did a great job as moderator, so it's sad to see you resigning. Best wishes to you, Kermit
  23. тѕсм.Kermit

    Goodbye to the community

    Sad to see you go, but that's life.. It was nice to meet you! Hopefully see ya again! =) - Kermit
  24. тѕсм.Kermit

    Short break (Friday - Sunday)

    Cya soon, and enjoy your stay!
  25. тѕсм.Kermit

    Riddle's Refund request.

    Thanks Daymon! The executive admin/moderator was @Walker.
  26. тѕсм.Kermit

    Riddle's Refund request.

    I can testify this incident, as i was growing in one of the rooms while the police raided us. We didn't even had any hostages! There was no valid reason to raid our apartment. I'd also like to say, that i lost the following items due to this raid: 3 large pots 10 coca seeds 5 'juana seeds 1...
  27. тѕсм.Kermit

    Cop Catastrophe - A compilation of idiocy in the past few days

    Thanks for the great video, buddy! :P
  28. тѕсм.Kermit

    I'm back DAD! (Daymon you old trucker)

    Wow... It's a looong time ago man. Welcome back to Perpheads, buddy! - Kermit
  29. тѕсм.Kermit

    Just a note.

    Cya tomorrow, buddy! - Kermit