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  1. тѕсм.Kermit


    Welcome back to PERPHeads, Nothelle! =) - Kermit
  2. тѕсм.Kermit

    Gone for a few weeks.

    Get well soon, buddy!
  3. тѕсм.Kermit

    [Moderator] Cole

    Good evening, Perpheads! As the title says, i'd like to recommend @Cole. He seems to be always in a great mood & performs his duties as a moderator in a fantastic way. This guy is one of the friendliest and most competent people I have ever met on Perpheads. Cole, stay the way you are...
  4. тѕсм.Kermit


    I totally agree with Stomper. Matt is a great moderator and roleplayer. Looking forward to his future career at PH! =) - Kermit
  5. тѕсм.Kermit

    As i already told you, Panda, this is a habit. Just like putting a "Best regards,.." below your...

    As i already told you, Panda, this is a habit. Just like putting a "Best regards,.." below your message.
  6. тѕсм.Kermit

    Perpheads' favourite cardiologist i guess. That's me.

    Perpheads' favourite cardiologist i guess. That's me.
  7. тѕсм.Kermit

    What do you order from fast food?

    3x Big Mac 1x Large Pommes 1x 20Nuggets
  8. тѕсм.Kermit


    Have fun & enjoy your stay!
  9. тѕсм.Kermit

    Crafting +

    IC Name: Jack Mason Favorite weapon: Primary: AK47 & Remington 870; Secondary: Desert Eagle Current Vehicle(s): Cavalcade Escalade (black-golden) Crafting Level (Not required to be high): Firearms Level 14 - Crafting Skill: 8 Previous Organizations: ACE, Carter Enterprises OOC Information...
  10. тѕсм.Kermit

    Just a note

    Enjoy your stay, Daymon! - Kermit
  11. тѕсм.Kermit

    I'm Back!

    Welcome back!
  12. тѕсм.Kermit

    Leaving/A pronlonged break.

    Good Bye, Zan! Hopefully see ya again, soon. =) - Kermit
  13. тѕсм.Kermit

    Swat Hunting (Drive-by)

    Hehe, that's amazing guys! :P - Kermit
  14. тѕсм.Kermit

    A new motor.

    I support this idea. Of course, we already got a lot of cars to select, but this one would be a great addition to the PH-Fleet. =) - Kermit
  15. тѕсм.Kermit

    inactive for a while

    See ya soon, Sdac! =) - Kermit
  16. тѕсм.Kermit

    Cole - Recommendation by Zan116

    Cole is just awesome, IC and OOC. Best wishes to you man! - Kermit =)
  17. тѕсм.Kermit

    PH crafter (price calculator)

    Thanks for this little program, Bamarin! I got one suggestion for an update: Maybe you could add magazines to the top bar..? Well done so far. - Kermit
  18. тѕсм.Kermit

    Supervisors to be able to handcuff Governement employees

    +SUPPORT I'd love to see this important feature on the server. - Kermit
  19. тѕсм.Kermit

    Beretta or Glock? (POLL)

    Hard to say... The Beretta is more accurate, in my opinion. If you got the aiming skills, i'd recommend the Glock. - Kermit
  20. тѕсм.Kermit

    Inactiv for abit

    Good luck with the exams, buddy! Looking forward to your return. =) - Kermit
  21. тѕсм.Kermit

    Upcoming S.W.A.T. gamemode

    Looking forward to this! - Kermit
  22. тѕсм.Kermit

    [Idea] Org. Ranksystem

    Topic: Rank system for organisations. Short explanation (in notes): - Possibility to assign ranks to org. members, using the F3 menu. - - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): The idea is, that the owner of an organisation is able to set ranks for his respective members. It...
  23. тѕсм.Kermit

    Kermit the frog!

    Kermit the frog!
  24. тѕсм.Kermit


    You've always been such a great admin. It's sad that you're leaving, but you have your reasons. I respect that. - Kermit
  25. тѕсм.Kermit

    Breaking Bad in Perpheads

    Hehe... That's good.. ;P - Kermit
  26. тѕсм.Kermit

    Map of Paralake City

    You did a good job with this! - Kermit
  27. тѕсм.Kermit

    Server Event: 06/09/14 - 4:00PM BST Saturday

    I really enjoyed the Raid event. Thanks to the staff! (: - Kermit