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  1. Chopper

    Life Issues

    Sell your PC.
  2. Chopper

    What Background do you use?

    Anyone guess what this is from?
  3. Chopper

    Cavarey joined the battlefield!

    Good luck mate a lot of people get corrupted by power growing and flashy cars, they forget what a role play server really is :)
  4. Chopper

    PERPHeads Event | 19.06.2016

    Can't believe it missed this :(
  5. Chopper

    Stick to growing drugs you won't make it as a comedian XD

    Stick to growing drugs you won't make it as a comedian XD
  6. Chopper

    He might be back in the near future who knows :)

    He might be back in the near future who knows :)
  7. Chopper

    Hornby train sets.

    Stick them on gumtree or ebay you will get them sold pronto
  8. Chopper


    Always carry a gun, at the end of the day no one on perpheads are bulletproof so just fucking shoot the cunt!
  9. Chopper

    2 way radios

    You dont get out much do you?